Have you ever collected many small puzzle pieces, and somehow it dawns on you that they all make up a bigger picture?
Well, that’s what has happened and keeps happening with our #mobilemakeovers project! The other day, my daughter and I decided to take the two front seats to a reupholstery shop five minutes away from the office… Upon our arrival, I spoke with the owner, showed him the seats, and waited for an estimate.
Little did I know he’d ask me why were we wanting the seats to be redone… Well, I shared our story and he got this look in his eyes… He looked at the seats, and then looked at me and said, “God wants me to help you… You all are out there ministering to people… we will do them at no charge!”
This touched me so much because little by little God has provided through random people to help us piece together our first mobile project!
Huge S/O to Banister’s Upholstery!
About a month ago, we met a guy named Leonard digging through trashcans! We walked up to him, stopped him, and engaged into about a 45 minute conversation with him. During our conversation, we asked Leonard a very important question, “If you had one wish, what would you do with it….” Leonard paused, thought, and then said these words… “I WISH I COULD BE MADE OVER!”
He shared with us that he hadn’t showered in over two months, and he was too far from a shelter to walk to one. In fact, he was on the outskirts of Atlanta, and the nearest shelter was over 15 miles away.
I (Terence ) distinctly remember leaving there think to myself, “There has got to be a way to make people over….” Paul writes “that God has the power to make people a new creation through the good news (2 Corinthians 5:17)”
Well, to start the process of our next awareness campaign! I (and a few others) are going to go until next year without cutting our hair (starting Nov 1)…. This month also happens to be MOVEMBER (A month dedicated toward raising awareness about men health issues)
Why? I am glad you asked. Well, you’ll find out what we will attempt to do to help people like Leonard around the city of Atlanta! Pray that God continues to resource us to take #lovebeyondwalls
Watch the video below to see the bus…. Terence
This coming Saturday (20th), a small group of fifteen leaders will visit our headquarters (in College Park), sit around tables in our idea room, and learn leadership, technology/communication, storytelling, and outreach lessons we’ve learned over the last 8 and a half months we’ve been around.
We are calling it leadersource 1.0 because we believe leaders should have small gatherings that teaches, trains, and resources them with vital information to do effective work in the 21st Century. Our passion is to create idea-based environments where leaders can study and have hands-on training… This type of environment is the best way for leaders to learn, and discover ideas that will help them in what God has called them to.
If we are honest, many leaders wrestle with (in the 21st Century):
- Not knowing their purpose.
- Not seeing themselves as having anything to contribute to this life.
- Thinking very little of themselves and not having access to the “secret sauce.”
- Not knowing how they are wired and where they win.
So…….Whether it be non-profit work, church work, or a start-up small business there are unique things can be gathered from open dialogue.
Over the last year, we have partnered with many Churches… This month, we are partnering with Vinings Church for their grand opening! They are raising carrying bags for our organization to resource homeless individuals, homeless shelters, and other charities doing work in the trenches.
Below is the flyer! Get involved.
LBW Team
We’ve started the process of shooting the short film, and piecing it together! We can wait to show it at Ga Tech on October 11th! Below is a couple we interviewed about there experience while serving with LBW.
LBW Team
We are excited! Yesterday we visited GA Tech, and snapped a few photos of the facility! This will be our first attempt to gather all of our social media videos, photos, and tell a unique story of why we exist and want to stay around. We ask that you support us by purchasing a ticket (if you haven’t already). You can get a ticket by clicking the image below. Every sale will go directly to helping us grow as an organization to reach more people!
Below are a few pictures, and a cold interview from John Springs (a homeless guy we met earlier this week).
Today, makes 69 DAYS in one outfit… We’re excited because LeCrew has chosen to allow many of their proceeds benefit our #closetstrike goal on the 25th on this month (Black Tie Gala)! Check out the video below…
Below is another update about the #closetstrike journey! If you’d like to help, click [HERE] to read the story!