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Have you ever collected many small puzzle pieces, and somehow it dawns on you that they all make up a bigger picture?

Well, that’s what has happened and keeps happening with our #mobilemakeovers project! The other day, my daughter and I decided to take the two front seats to a reupholstery shop five minutes away from the office… Upon our arrival, I spoke with the owner, showed him the seats, and waited for an estimate.

Little did I know he’d ask me why were we wanting the seats to be redone… Well, I shared our story and he got this look in his eyes… He looked at the seats, and then looked at me and said, “God wants me to help you… You all are out there ministering to people… we will do them at no charge!”

This touched me so much because little by little God has provided through random people to help us piece together our first mobile project!

Huge S/O to Banister’s Upholstery!



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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