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Built First Handwashing Station

Every single day for the last eight days, we have thought of ways to get water to people living on the streets during this crisis, and we found a way to build and assemble portable handwashing stations that hold up to 10 gallons of water.

This week, we are starting to plant these around the city for people who will be on the streets the entire length of the shutdown (regardless of spaces being open).

Every news report we’ve read said that we must wash our hands, but what does this mean for people experiencing homelessness?

What happens when you have no access to water, restaurants won’t allow you to come into them, and people already overlook you every single day—you become more prone to catch the #CONVID-19 virus.

Call me (Terence) whatever you’d like but @lovebeyondwalls is on the move with extreme caution with a few friends and partners. Video to follow.

It costs about $100 dollars to build these, you can give by clicking the link in our bio and clicking “handwashing stations donation”


Can You Feel The Excitement?

Guess what? We have teamed up with Matt Heath Music to create original score music for our documentary “Voiceless” and we are pretty pumped about it.

In fact, we are excited to announce that “Voiceless” will become a feature length documentary and will be used to educate people about the realities of the poor, cast vision of how we plan to address poverty through our “Love Center” concept, and inspire people all across our nation to get involved in their local communities through service and sacrifice.

Below is a quick picture of us working on the project in the studio. We can’t wait to start launching screenings all around our city.

























LBW Team


Challenging 5K People To Love The Poor – MAP16

This past Sunday, we were invited to share our #MAP16 story in Shreveport, LA [Shreveport Convention Center] to over 5K people!

Not only did we get a chance to share some of our clips, but we challenged people to consider the poor, understand the realities of the poor, and create margin in their personal lives to notice people.

We are excited about starting our editing process this week as we prepare to share our March Against Poverty story with the world. 

During this season, take time to notice those who are poor, and consider what really matters.15283987_10210013003913216_7598884593685404635_n

LBW Team

Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta & Pathways Magazine – A Movement of Doers!

“Love is a powerful force,” Terence explains. “God is love, and we are on a mission to take that love into places where there is darkness and hopelessness, despondency and all those different things keeping people in the cycle of being oppressed.”

Check out the story of those we help on @episcopalatl’s website to read our story! Or, simply click the picture below.15267660_1211007605603069_6122602230087936408_n

LBW Team


MLK Memorial Speech & Final Stretch Video

Yesterday, Terence and Johnny reached the White House, and a crowd of supporters marched with Terence all the way to the King Memorial where Terence delivered a speech entitled, “It’s Time To Do Something…”

Check out the picture below, and the final stretch video.


Final Stretch – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

MAP16 Ending at The King Memorial

Yesterday, Terence literally saw a sign that said 44 miles until Washington, DC. We are estimating that it will take 4 more days for Terence & Johnny to arrive at the finish line. 

Earlier this week, we received our official permit to end at the march/walk at the King Memorial to do a press conference on poverty in the U.S. (in partnership with the SCLC)

If you’d like to meet us there, we’ll see you in Washington in 4 DAYS.

The image below contain the information you need.map16finishlinesclc
LBW Team


Below are the recap videos for DAYS 7-17 for #MAP16! So far, Terence has marched over 200 miles and is almost in North Carolina. Check out the videos below, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAY 8 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 12 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

MAP16 – Johnny Update from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

MAP16 – Abandoned Buildings & Houses from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 13 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 17 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team