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Displaying Empathy To Others

Having “Empathy” means:

1. Having the ability to “walk in someone else’s shoes” for as long as You need to connect with them in order to be able to feel what they are feeling.

2. Wanting to understand what they are going through and show them they are not alone.

3. Not judging their situation in any way, not making yourself the Saviour and them the Victim.

4. Seeing them as they are. Offering them the space of your empathic presence allows them to feel seen and accepted. From there on, change and healing can take place.

Be empathic and #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

700 Students March – MAP16

RECAP: Yesterday, over 700 students marched for #MAP16 in Atlanta, GA with Terence to raise awareness about poverty and homelessness among students.

It was an amazing experience to partner with Deerwood Academy to educate students about this important issue in our nation.

Continue to follow the #lovebeyondwalls story! #lovecenter

700 Students March – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

MAP16 Ending at The King Memorial

Yesterday, Terence literally saw a sign that said 44 miles until Washington, DC. We are estimating that it will take 4 more days for Terence & Johnny to arrive at the finish line. 

Earlier this week, we received our official permit to end at the march/walk at the King Memorial to do a press conference on poverty in the U.S. (in partnership with the SCLC)

If you’d like to meet us there, we’ll see you in Washington in 4 DAYS.

The image below contain the information you need.map16finishlinesclc
LBW Team

Getting Closer – Trailer III

Love Beyond Walls stepped up to combat poverty over a month ago with #MAP16!
So far, Terence has walked from Atlanta, GA to Virginia (covering three states) to provide a voice for the voiceless, share stories of those who might otherwise go untold, and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter (a safe haven and resource center for those in need).

In this trailer, Terence shares his experiences, stories, and challenges us all to think about those who are poor in our country.
Get involved by sharing this video with your friends and family! Terence has 15 DAYS left before he reaches DC.

Join us on the journey and follow the conversation!

Getting Closer – Trailer III from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team


Below is a recap video for DAY 36 of #MAP16. So far, Terence has marched all the way to Danville, VA and is expected to arrive in DC by mid October.

Check out the video below to see why this past week was difficult, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAY 36 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Reaches India

Partners make impact stronger!

We recently partnered with Northwestern Benefit to launch a computer lab in India for FIM (Faith India Ministries). It was amazing to see our mission team partners land on the ground to deliver computers and other items to serve orphans. We count it a privilege to serve kids that will use the internet for the first time in their lives. Below are a few pictures!

A huge thank you to everyone that continues to support our work locally and around the world.13782244_728531657250280_5455607477303646785_n

LBW Team

Chago Speaks From The Heart

We met Chago two years ago in the community, and we have been friends with him every since that moment. He is now he is one of our most committed community volunteers!

Not only has he vowed to participate in ‪#‎MAP16‬, but he wanted to share his heart on the camera for the first time in his life. ‪

LBW Team

Dignity House – Dignity Art

Hey, I’m posting this because I need your help. God laid it on my heart (as the leader of Love Beyond Walls) to try to purchase a home to employ and house those we serve battling with homelessness. Would you donate $1 to our campaign and get 5-10 more people to donate $1? We need 22K people to give one dollar so we can purchase our first home to house the homeless. You can read the story and give by clicking the image below:

