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The Countdown Begins (DAY 10 WHAT IF'S…)

Have you ever had the “WHAT IF’S…?” 

You know what I mean…

What if this doesn’t work?
What if I don’t make it?
What if I’m crazy?
What if they laugh at me?
What if this is in vain?

What if… what if… what if… (If you have ever attempted to do something beyond yourself, you know what I mean)!

Well, last night it really dawned on me that I only have 10 DAYS left before I attempt to walk 30 miles to raise awareness about homelessness and how difficult it is for homeless people to survive on the streets. I kept thinking, “What if my body shuts down…what if I catch cramps… what if nobody joins in…” I don’t know why, but those “what if’s…” started to change my focus, and cause me to doubt a little.

I literally had to snap myself out of it, and refocus on the main objective which is to give homeless people a voice! I had to tell myself all last night that this is NOT about me… It is about people in this country who have not had a voice about their stories! With that being said, I am going to give my ALL so people can have a voice! Especially my friends who are homeless under the I-20 bridge.

But there is something to be said about the “what if’s…” These negative thoughts have the power to paralyze you and cause you to fear! In fact, if you “what if….” too long, you’ll begin to doubt the mission (your mission), your purpose, and abort it.

Here’s the truth though, we ALL will have these moments! We will ALL have the “what if’s…” But, it is also up to us to respond to them with courage and tenacity. How do you fight your “what it’s….?”

I fight mine with three simple things:

1) A big picture – This is where you keep your eyes on the main thing or main reason for doing it.

2) A little accountability  – This is where you make yourself accountable to people who will push you when you feel weak (this also includes accountability to God).

3) A huge memory – This is where you remember the wins, and how far you’ve come. If you forget your wins, you’ll drown when losses are present.

Below is a picture of a box of shoes that were mailed anonymously to #lovebeyondwalls yesterday for our #givemilesaway March campaign! It has fueled #3 on my list above!




The Countdown Begins (DAYS 14-12 LIFE CHANGE)

I’m up super late tonight (3AM)… In fact, I can’t sleep because I am in awe of what God did in my homeless friend’s life…

If you don’t know by now, I met Robert a little less than three months ago under a bridge when I made myself homeless for 72 hours (around Christmas time). I went homeless without anything, and did not know why I was filled with compassion to do it, but now it make sense. I met Robert, and many other people who were staying under that bridge, heard stories, and shed tears with a bunch of people (they are my friends).

Robert in particular became a really good friend of mine, and expressed that he wanted to give his life to God, and be baptized. He said, “I just want to start my life completely over and change.” Well, over a three month period, our friendship became closer, and he started attending church with me (a few times).

On yesterday, I spoke at Crossroads Church (the starting point for the walk) and Robert attended with me… I shared some of his story (his childhood, drug problems since age 14, and a few other challenges), and how he came to faith under the bridge night #2 (of the 72 hours I was homeless), and spoke about how God’s love changes others!

After speaking, the production director Justin Kirk asked if I’d like to baptize him on the spot… I asked Robert, and he agreed to do it on the spot. Therefore, I spoke both at both services and in the second service I was able to baptize my friend (I’ll post message later). I shed tears because when Robert came out of the water he said these words, “I saw myself on the screen, and I can tell I am transforming!” 

This is why I am going through with the 30+ mile walk… I AM 12 DAYS AWAY!

I am walking for every Robert in this country that do not have a voice, but have potential to experience life change! I am walking to raise awareness of a overlooked epidemic–homelessness, and the possibility to have some people restored. Additionally, we are raising shoes in the month of March (the entire month), and a few funds [HERE] for a storage space.

Currently, we are asking people to “GREEN OUT” their social media profile pictures to give homelessness a voice! Green is the color we decided to go with because green represents life, growth, and newness (and it is the color of our ribbon). This is what we’d like for those who have no voice to experience–new life! And, I believe this is what God wants for God’s people…

Here is “GREEN OUT” picture (use it):


After service, a guy named Brian Preston walked up to Robert and told him he wanted to give him a shot at a job…

Is this Robert’s opportunity to have a “hand up” not a “hand out?”… We’ll see! They will speak this week.

Below are some before and after pictures of #lovebeyondwalls work with Robert! All I have to say is God is definitely working in this young man Robert.

Here is a before picture when I first met Robert:








And, here is the picture from yesterday when he got baptized like he wanted:

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The Countdown Begins (DAY 16 1000 SHOES)

Yesterday, I was inboxed over Facebook by a mother from a Church I recently interviewed at (West Ridge), and she inquired about our March Campaign to raise 1000 pairs of shoes!

Why? Because I briefly shared that we would focus on shoes in the month of March from stage. In fact, after I shared what we were doing, somebody placed their shoes in an offering bucket, and a few kids came up to me after service and donated their shoes on the spot. How cool is that? VERY!!!! Here is a picture…

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Yes, in March #lovebeyondwalls is raising 1000 pairs of shoes to resource those in need in ATL. I briefly mentioned my discovery of homelessness, and how homeless people have to walk tons of miles to survive. In fact, I walked 20+ miles myself when I was homeless for 72 Hours.

What broke my heart though is when I would ask my friends (who sometimes did not have on adequate shoes) how many miles they had to walk per week? Some responded, “30, 50, and even 70 miles per week…”

“With those shoes…they are not in good shape” I said.

“Yes, with those shoes…” they responded.

Therefore, I vowed to walk 30+ miles on behalf of my homeless friends to raise 1000 shoes to give away to any homeless person we encounter in March. Children, women, or men. It doesn’t matter.

Today, I am encouraged though. Why? Because one of the first people to want to raise shoes for us is a six year old girl… We are calling the campaign #givemilesaway! Why? Because shoes are like tires to homeless people.

Here is the inbox message I received….












How can you get involved? Come and join us at our love rally and bring shoes to the finish-line! Below is the flyer for where you can meet us when we finish our #30mile walk!



The Countdown Begins (DAYS 20 & 19 No Looking Back)

This morning is bittersweet (4AM)! I am rejoicing, but am still very much reflective about the realities of how much work building an organization takes. LOL. It takes work people…

Why bittersweet? Because I am on day 4 of my juicing, 19 days away from walking #30miles, and it is extremely hard. I have put in almost 31 DAYS so far to transform my health in order to walk to raise awareness for those who are forgotten.

In fact, I am reflecting on a well-known passage in 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV) “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Strength is made perfect in weakness.”  It has taken focus, accountability, and being honest (God’s strength).

I have tons of days to go on my juicing, a little more “mile prep” to endure, and am praying almost every second. Additionally, I had a few challenges last week that were real, eye opening, and made me rethink some things!

You know… the type of challenge that makes you think about entering back into your comfort zone? Or, the type of challenge that is both unexpected, and catches you totally off guard and whispers “LOOK BACK!”

If you are alive, you can relate. In fact, it seems like challenges (or bumps in the road) come when you are moving forward, and have a desire to overcome. Have you been there? Have you tried to move forward, and something unexpected tried to knock you back? If so, I can relate and want to encourage you to count your wins, not your losses.

Now the sweet part…

Yesterday, my team and I got  a chance to interview at West Ridge Church and share the story of #lovebeyondwalls!

2014-02-09 11.21.12

The cool thing that really inspired me NOT TO LOOK BACK (even when faced with unexpected challenges) was Robert. Who is Robert? You may remember my homeless friend from a previous blog. I met him under the bridge when I was homeless for three days… Robert attended worship with us, and looks lot better. Is he fully changed? No. But, we are taking small steps forward with him (and, most importantly building a relationship (not giving hand outs).

I have kept in touch with him for almost three months, and we are working hard to give him responsibilities to restore dignity back to him. Below is the before and after picture:

2014-02-09 12.35.27

Also, later that evening we visited Relevant Church and found out that this church (pastored by Carl Nichols) had a “LOVEKIT” party and raised 289 “LOVEKITS” for us to distribute this coming Saturday (15th).

Here is that picture:

2014-02-09 17.16.37

Here’s the bottom line, when challenges come they will try to break your focus, but you must have a resolve in your heart not to look back.




Do you want to know why I am losing almost 30lbs? Here goes…

Did you know that people who are in transition (homeless) have to walk to survive? In fact, if they live in a major city like Atlanta, walking is a must.

“You have to walk to shower…Walk to eat… Walk to use the restroom… Walk to get food… Walk to find clothing… Walk to find employment… Walk to the bus stop (or train station)… Walk to get medical help… Starting to get the picture yet?”

Walking is a means of survival, life, and wellbeing to someone who doesn’t have a home or the necessities of life. These are hard shoes to wear! Why? Because it takes a toll on your body, your hope, and your energy level….


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Could you imagine walking 50-70 per week just to survive and make it (hoping to transition off the streets)? Could you imagine walking 365 days out the year? Could you imagine being tired from survival and having very little energy to do anything else?

Well, #lovebeyondwalls is going to do something about it…While living on the streets for three days, I found out that many of my homeless friends walk tons of miles per week to survive (watch the video). Walking is equivalent to water and food to a homeless person.

On March 1st, 2014, I am going to attempt to do something I have never done in my life to teach people what I have learned about the survival of people in transition (homeless).

Along my journey, I am going to invite people at various points to join in with the walk on later blogs… Also, I will release the specific journey that I will take, and how you can meet me at the end of the journey (and what we are doing in March)…

I am going to wear the shoes of the my homeless friends again by walking thirty miles straight in one day (four miles over a marathon). Why? Because many of my homeless friends in Atlanta and across this country have to walk to survive! It’s a little less than the distance that some homeless people have to walk per week. BUT, It’s going to take me 10-12+ hours to do it…I am also doing this to teach the world the top five lessons I learned while homeless. This will be a way #lovebeyondwalls can show the world how much a person without a home has to go through to live and survive. Why? Because many homeless people walk marathons every week (without notice). #lovebeyondwalls has created the second homelessness ribbon! It is a ribbon for the voiceless. We have created this ribbon to give those who are overlooked, and deemed rejects of society a voice. Therefore, we are calling it “VOICE FOR HOMELESSNESS…”

Our organization feels that this is one way people can correlate walking with “walking to survive…” (literally)

Instagram 1.1

I’m walking in the shoes of the homeless again, and hope to help many restore their lives from the streets… Pray my strength!


Love Beyond Walls Story (Pt 1)

Below is a piece of the LBW’s story and how it started.

-LBW Team

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The Countdown Begins (Day 45 BUSY WEEK)

We have a pretty busy week this week…

On Thursday, we will be partnering with Mundy’s Mill Middle School (interviewing with 40+ students about homelessness, and discussing ways in which we can combat it).

On Saturday, we will be passing out socks again from 8AM-9AM (in many locations downtown Atlanta), and afterwards we will be partnering with Area 1 Young Men’s Conference at South Cobb High School (to speak with 200+ young men about DREAMS & making wise decisions).

On top of these, I am still on my 50 day journey. It’s been five days of eating healthy, and drinking water. Continue to pray for my strength, and #lovebeyondwalls. We are making small steps forward.



Snippet Interview @ Relevant Church

Below is a snippet from the interview at Relevant Church… Pastor Carl asked me to give closing remarks about this tweet:

2013-12-24 16.58.17

Below is the snippet…


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Destroy Walls, Embrace Diversity!

Growing up (from childhood until late teens), I was only in direct contact with a predominately African American context! All my schools, social outings, churches, sports, and any other activities were always around peers that looked like me… In fact, I wasn’t exposed to REAL diverse relationships until my mid twenties (sad to say).

Was anything wrong with the way I was reared? No. It was natural, and the area where my family lived reflected my race, culture, history, and background. However, I believe growing up without REAL diversity can impair you a little (no matter what race you are). A lack of diversity does two horrible things:

1) It creates stereotypes about other races – Stereotypes and negative imagery creates a negative lens through which people are seen. Of course, cultures are different (ALL SHOULD BE RESPECTED), but negative prejudices, stereotypes, and assumptions can cause people to not see the beauty in all cultures. The sad thing about stereotypes is that most of them could be totally FALSE (you have to get to know people for yourself).

2) It creates distance between cultures & races – When stereotypes are formed, it accompanies opinions, judgement, dehumanization, and ultimately distance. It saddens me that segregation still happens more than intergration on Sunday mornings in the South. In fact, the horrible thing about distance is that it causes coldness, numbness, and a lack of sympathy and respect for other cultures.

Why does this bother me? Because I love diversity and am an advocate for reconciliation. Of course, there is a negative history that haunts us all, but I believe love is greater and will be the only way to bridge the gap in the present. I didn’t grow up with much diversity, but have a heart to bridge the gap between races & cultures.

Will this be easy? NO! But, I can model and reflect it as much as I can in my own life (I’m learning too)…

That’s why “diversity” is a core value of #lovebeyondwalls. It is important for us to accept, embrace, and respect people from all walks of life. Everybody has a story!

I was recently asked, “Why did you choose the name #lovebeyondwalls?” And my response was simple,

“At any given point, political, race, class, religious, and cultural walls can separate us all… Keeping us from solutions to problems, togetherness, and the main focus, LOVE! In fact, I believe God’s love is the only thing that can roam pass those walls and reach people where they are with the good news.”

This morning, I am joining my brother Carl Nichols (pastor of Relevant Church), to discuss my homeless journey, but more importantly to reflect a diverse picture of God’s larger family. As we interview to talk about God’s mission, we are indirectly destroying walls that exists between cultures & races (especially as it pertains to the church world).

Our coming together shows two ways to close the gap on the distance,

1) Come together. The first way to destroy walls is to take a step toward reconciliation and toward a conversation.

2) Partnering. By partnering you get a chance to work along side each other and understand each other’s background, story, history, and how each person sees the world.

I am excited because the earth is a Mosaic full of cultures, and so is the God we serve! I am grateful for the diverse relationships God has given me in my life. Here’s a thought, “Destroy Walls, Embrace Diversity…”

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