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Yesterday, I was inboxed over Facebook by a mother from a Church I recently interviewed at (West Ridge), and she inquired about our March Campaign to raise 1000 pairs of shoes!

Why? Because I briefly shared that we would focus on shoes in the month of March from stage. In fact, after I shared what we were doing, somebody placed their shoes in an offering bucket, and a few kids came up to me after service and donated their shoes on the spot. How cool is that? VERY!!!! Here is a picture…

2014-02-09 12.29.31-1

Yes, in March #lovebeyondwalls is raising 1000 pairs of shoes to resource those in need in ATL. I briefly mentioned my discovery of homelessness, and how homeless people have to walk tons of miles to survive. In fact, I walked 20+ miles myself when I was homeless for 72 Hours.

What broke my heart though is when I would ask my friends (who sometimes did not have on adequate shoes) how many miles they had to walk per week? Some responded, “30, 50, and even 70 miles per week…”

“With those shoes…they are not in good shape” I said.

“Yes, with those shoes…” they responded.

Therefore, I vowed to walk 30+ miles on behalf of my homeless friends to raise 1000 shoes to give away to any homeless person we encounter in March. Children, women, or men. It doesn’t matter.

Today, I am encouraged though. Why? Because one of the first people to want to raise shoes for us is a six year old girl… We are calling the campaign #givemilesaway! Why? Because shoes are like tires to homeless people.

Here is the inbox message I received….












How can you get involved? Come and join us at our love rally and bring shoes to the finish-line! Below is the flyer for where you can meet us when we finish our #30mile walk!



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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