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Trucks Made It To Texas + Packed Screening in Florida

We asked, and you showed up!

We had an overwhelming show of generosity in response to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. Thanks to your donations these past few weeks, we’ve been able to resource two truckloads of basic necessities to Texas.

Special shout out to Mike Fye for driving down to deliver the much-needed supplies — thanks, Mike!

Screening at Genesis Church

This past weekend, we were invited to screen “Voiceless” in our third state — Florida! 

The screening was packed out with hundreds of people in attendance. We were blown away by the response! 

A big thanks to Genesis Church i

n Orlando for hosting us as we continue to bring attention to systemic poverty. 

If you’re interested in bringing this important film to your group, church, or organization visit

LBW Team

Hurricane Relief on the Way!

This hurricane season has been a rough one so far. Many people in Houston have lost everything they have to flooding and damage. 

Thanks to many generous donations, we’ve been able to resource two truckloads of basic necessities to send to Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. These trucks are packed full of much-needed diapers, blankets, hygiene supplies, and more! 

We’re grateful to be able to serve those who are unexpectedly in crisis. 

LBW Team

C.R. Snippet – Voiceless

Have you ever felt unheard?
Have you ever felt unseen?
Have you ever felt voiceless?

Every single day, millions of people experiencing homelessness and poverty like C.R. feel like their stories don’t matter.

On August 25, 2017, Love Beyond Walls will partner with The Center for Civil and Human Rights​ to screen our first feature length film “Voiceless” to give a voice to the voiceless.

Why? Because they matter and so do their stories!

To learn more, visit

C.R. Snippet – Voiceless from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

#voicelessfilm #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

Voiceless Documentary Pre-Screening Testimonials

Earlier this week, we pre-screened our “Voiceless” documentary to a group of youth (and their leaders) that traveled from Orlando, FL to serve the community with us. Brace yourselves! Their responses were raw, honest, and inspiring. We can’t wait to reveal the film to the public in August.

To learn more, visit

Voiceless – Testimonials from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

You will not believe this!

Over the last couple of months, our organization has been intentional about giving people experiencing homelessness untraditional housing to get them off of the streets, and provide a place to stay that’s safe.

If we can be honest, it’s been messy, hard, confusing, and fun all at the same time. We’ve laughed with them, have had the privilege of celebrating successes, and have talked through struggles.

Long story short, we’ve just taken what’s in front of us and have used it to serve those who are forgotten.

Little did we know that a family was watching our work with using trailers to provide housing.  Well, this same family reached out and donated our organization this RV trailer! Wow is all we can say!

We can’t wait to reveal what this will become for our next campaign. 

LBW Team

Day of Love & Christmas Deliveries

This past Saturday, we partnered with Revolution Church, CoveredBridge Church, Bronner Bros. & a well-known studio to serve many families for the Holidays.

We had over 50 volunteers loving on 250+ families in College Park. Not only did we serve them, but we prayed for tons of people who expressed their pains, hurts, and fears.

This coming Saturday, we are delivering the gifts collected for the families we adopted for Christmas.

Check out some of the pictures below!

If you’d like to make a year end contribution, support our work [HERE].




LBW Team

Official MAP16 Documentary Trailer & Poverty Panel

Yesterday, Johnny Taylor and I (Terence) got a chance to share a small piece of the #MAP16 journey with the public for the first time since we’ve been back from Washington, DC.

Additionally, we got a chance to share our “official” documentary trailer. Would you like to see it? Most of it was shot during the walk!

Hold on to your seats… It’s powerful.

Official March Against Poverty Documentary Trailer from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

Below are a couple of pictures:


If you’d like to contribute to our work to help us complete this feature film, visit

#lovebeyondwalls #lovecenter

700 Students March – MAP16

RECAP: Yesterday, over 700 students marched for #MAP16 in Atlanta, GA with Terence to raise awareness about poverty and homelessness among students.

It was an amazing experience to partner with Deerwood Academy to educate students about this important issue in our nation.

Continue to follow the #lovebeyondwalls story! #lovecenter

700 Students March – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Live Speech – LBW Facebook

This Saturday, I’m going to speak from my heart to whoever comes out!

I’ve walked over 600 miles, have encountered tons of people in poverty, and have a burning desire to humanize their stories.

If you’d like to hear my words in 3 DAYS, follow our @lovebeyondwalls Facebook page where I’ll go live with my words from the MLK Memorial.map16_mlkspeech