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Built First Handwashing Station

Every single day for the last eight days, we have thought of ways to get water to people living on the streets during this crisis, and we found a way to build and assemble portable handwashing stations that hold up to 10 gallons of water.

This week, we are starting to plant these around the city for people who will be on the streets the entire length of the shutdown (regardless of spaces being open).

Every news report we’ve read said that we must wash our hands, but what does this mean for people experiencing homelessness?

What happens when you have no access to water, restaurants won’t allow you to come into them, and people already overlook you every single day—you become more prone to catch the #CONVID-19 virus.

Call me (Terence) whatever you’d like but @lovebeyondwalls is on the move with extreme caution with a few friends and partners. Video to follow.

It costs about $100 dollars to build these, you can give by clicking the link in our bio and clicking “handwashing stations donation”


Handwashing Stations

We took this picture of Daniel’s hands!

Every news report we’ve read said that we must wash our hands, but what does this mean for people experiencing homelessness?

What happens when you have no access to water, restaurants won’t allow you to come into them, and people already overlook you every single day—you become more prone to catch the #CONVID-19 virus.

People experiencing homelessness have been wrestling with social distancing way before this virus, and we plan to respond in a very basic way.

This week we’re partnering with with a few cool people to ensure our friends have constant access to water by setting up handwashing stations around the city.

Each station will cost about $100 build to dispense soap & water (and they will be self-contained). If you would like to contribute anything to this project click the button below.

We will keep you posted as we seek to build these so people who choose to remain in encampments will have access to basic water and soap.

Our goal is 20 stations! Thanks so much!


LBW Dignity Museum Panel Discussion

This past week we had a powerful panel discussion at the National Center For Civil & Human Rights about social inequity and what it means to affirm dignity in people experiencing homelessness nationwide.

Huge S/O to all of the participants that sat on the panel including key leaders from Covenant House GA and Lost-N-Found-Youth.

LBW Dignity Museum Panel Discussion from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Gathering in November

We are a little under a month away from gathering together to share love with our community for the Holidays.

We’re grateful that we have the opportunity to walk with people every single week and forge meaningful relationships. 

In fact, that’s why we gather! We gather to build relationships, bring people together, but ultimately to see lives change for the better. For a little over a year, we have mobilized people from all walks of life to come together and serve others in a way that provides dignity and hope.

We ask that you partner with us as we partner with Woodward Academy for the fourth year in a row to serve our community in College Park.

When we gather this year, we will announce plans that we are dreaming about as we continue to grow as an organization. 

We encourage you to sign up to serve [HERE] or by using the button below.

LBW Team

Chick-fil-A Serve Day

We are looking forward to hosting a team from Chick-fil-A Corporate in a few weeks!

We were asked by Chick-fil-A to lead a group of 30 engineers through a service learning day to learn more about poverty, and the team will experience a full day of serving opportunities and education.

Our hope for this time is that each individual will walk away with more empathy, and also to be in close proximity with our community.

We’re very excited about this Serve Day, as this jumpstarts what we’re going to spend more of 2020 doing in terms of empowering those in leadership positions.

Stay tuned!

LBW Team