We are often asked, “How do you really get someone off of the streets?”
It is probably the most complex question we are asked because everyone experiencing homelessness doesn’t arrive at the experience the same way.
Some people experience job layoffs, some people lose family members, some women experience abuse, some teens find the experience because they timed out of foster care, some people use drugs and addiction to cope with life, and many other reasons.
We’ve come to find out that many people experiencing homelessness have several challenges, but the one of the greatest challenges is community.
Having community and people to catch you when you fall is important. If you could point to one person that has helped you through a difficulty—you will automatically know what I’m talking about.
This week we get to share the story of community with Jasmine Shepherd.
She’s a young lady that instead of talking decided to take a step to help a man (Mr. Philip) experiencing homelessness reunite with his family after 40 years.
When I asked her what pushed her to serve in this way, she responded with these words,
“My greatest desire is to travel to the ends of this earth serving the overlooked, the underprivileged, and spreading the Gospel. The Spirit led me to #lovebeyondwalls with Mr. Philip. After watching the documentary “Voiceless” and praying for God to use me to reach His people, I became intentional about making a difference in my community. Shortly after, our paths crossed and I saw a need. Once I got to know Mr. Philip, something about his story and genuine personality tugged at my heart and I just couldn’t give up on him.”
From her story, we’ve learned that sometimes getting to know people, and taking a step can transform someone’s life.
In the words of Jasmin, “to me, #lovebeyondwalls means to love one another just as Jesus loves us. It means we are responsible for meeting people right where they are, looking past their circumstances. We must build one another up, provide support, hope, and the greatest of all-LOVE.”
Check out her incredible podcast interview above.