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VIDEO RECAPS OF DAYS 20-22, 30, & 31

Below are the recap videos for DAYS 20-22, 30, & 31 for #MAP16! So far, Terence has marched over 300 miles and is almost at the VA border. Check out the videos below, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAYS 20-22 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 30 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 31 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

MAP16 Video – Part I

Terence shares his heart about his concern for those who are suffering, and talks a little about why he is trying to lose 50 pounds for Love Beyond Walls next campaign. We are officially 90 DAYS AWAY from attempting #MAP16
LBW Team


Help us to continue to make a difference. We’re participating in the 5th annual ‘IKEA Life Improvement Co-worker Challenge’ – a program that gives our charity the chance to win a makeover from IKEA (16th Street Location). This makeover will help us create a training space for those in the community that is functional, inviting and well-designed — a place our community can feel welcome and comfortable.

Participating is simple. All you have to do is go to and vote for (‪#‎lovebeyondwalls‬). You can vote once a day from February 16th until March 2nd. It’s that easy! To vote, click the image below. Thanks for your support!


LBW Team