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Banneker High School Students – Love Beyond Walls

S/O to JA-MBA (Junior Achievement of Georgia) students at Banneker High School for rallying people to donate resources for us to serve people in need and joining our ‪#‎lovearmy‬! You guys have put us at mobilizing over 4,000 people this year. ‪Banneker Students

LBW Team

Love Moms!

During the month of May, we are gathering items to serve mothers in need. Next moth, we are doing something really special for them! We are calling it #loveMOMS… We are collecting diapers, wipes, baby bottles, and many necessities moms need to care for their children.


LBW Team

It's a Wrap – Bus Update!

Good news…. The first two sections are completed! We will unveil how it looks soon, and take it out for a test run. In fact, we only have one more section to go (showers)! We need your help though…

It will take another 10K to complete. If you would like to give to our project please click [HERE]


LBW Team

Before/After Inside Bus

Since our “Get on The Bus” campaign, we have made some major strides. In fact, in the last two months we have gotten the bus wrapped, and started the transformation process on the inside. It has come a long way, and it is almost that time to get it on the road.

We will have two phases of the bus completed (Barbershop/Closet). 

After getting it on the road and sharing some #mobilemakovers stories, we are then going to attempt to raise additional funds to add the shower unit inside.

If you would like to view a before/after picture of inside check them out below. Also, if you would like to give to our project please click [HERE].

2014-11-25 07.38.44-2


LBW Team

They Made It – Mission MAD!

On Saturday, Michael Tucker and Guy Laman completed a 330 mile journey to Atlanta from Kentucky. When they arrived at the finish line, there was a crowd of folks to cheer them on.

It was amazingly humbling to have these two sacrifice their time and energy to help raise thousands of hygiene items to go inside the #mobilemakeovers bus.

LBW Team

Less than 50 – Love Tour!

In less than 50 days, we are going to #loveGA by going on our first tour with our #mobilemakeovers bus! It’s called the #lovetour because we will mobilize/educate people, collaborate for change, and raise awareness for people living in poverty and experiencing homelessness!

We are going to travel the state and take love to multiple cities! More details to follow soon… The Countdown begins now!


LBW Team

Serving this Saturday – Join Us!

This Saturday, we will be working on the bus again doing small projects… We are less that two and a half weeks away from launching the bus to serve people in need. Get involved and make a difference this weekend by helping us do small projects! 


LBW Team

Bus Update – Inside coming along!

This past weekend, our team led by Dave Douglass completed more work on the inside of the bus. It has been an amazing journey. We look forward to getting the bus on the road by the end of the month.

Below is a picture of Carlos & Andrew working on wiring the barbershop/salon in the first section.


LBW Team