This week, Love Beyond Walls got an amazing opportunity to support many students experiencing homelessness at Frank McClarin High School. We recently learned that many students in this school are fighting homelessness as they try to gain an education to better their lives.
The school is located less than a mile away from our Center in College Park.
With the support of many generous donors, we were able to provide resources to single teen mothers and the daycare housed at the school.
As days go on, we will continue working with this school and among its students. Why? Because we see education being a tool that can be used to overcome the plight of poverty.
Thank you for you continued support of our work!
LBW Team
This past Friday, we got a chance to partner with Woodward Academy to serve hundreds of people for #FeedTheNeed.
Not only did we hang out with families to give them hope for the Holiday, but we had a wonderful surprise to take place.
The Atlanta Hawks came to our headquarters with “Harry the Hawk,” several representatives from the Hawks organization, and Kaiser to present our Executive Director [Terence] with an award [#TrueToAtlantaAward] for the #MAP16 journey.
Additionally, the Hawks got a chance to hang out with the community and encourage them along with us.
Check out a few pictures below!
To give to our organization for your year end giving, click [HERE]
LBW Team
This past week, we got a chance to partner with students and staff at Green Forest McCalep Christian Academy.
Together, we raised over 90K wipes for us to take on our next trip to Flint, Michigan. We can’t wait to serve single moms and those in need. So far, we have taken over 500K bottles of water, built relationships with two churches, and and have mobilized over 1000 people to be involved in this effort.
After partnering with GFMCA, we made the news in Flint. Check out the news clip that aired on Channel 12 News, and a picture of many kids who donated the wipes.
LBW Team
Each month, we partner with “Warehouse of Hope” to serve 300 families with groceries. This past week (Good Friday), we served over 100 families with resources and prayer.
We are grateful for the volunteers that came out to serve from Praise Academy this past Friday.
If you would like to contribute in any way, email info@lovebeyondwalls.org
LBW Team
For the last six months, we’ve served families and homeless people in city and have noticed that many have a tough time washing their clothes! We are going to do something about it.
We are going to convert a room in our office into a small washroom to fill this need and give dignity to those that need a place to keep their personal items clean. Will you help? Email us to get involved.
LBW Team
This morning, we are extremely grateful. We had an another opportunity to be included in an article produced by Devika Rao in the AJC. It is our desire to continue serving more communities, under resourced families, and homeless men, women, and children in 2016.
To check out the article, click the image below.
Yesterday, we partnered with Revolution Church to serve 100+ families for Thanksgiving! We are super appreciative for our partnership with CPE, and are grateful Principal Early opened up the school so we can serve tons of families! Below are a few pictures!
LBW Team
Can you believe it? We’ve been around making change in the world almost two years! It is utterly amazing where we have come from, and we plan to go as an organization.
Yesterday made one month away from turning 2 years old as an organization! We are celebrating with a party to raise toys for an underserved community – details will follow!