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First Screening Reveal!

BIG NEWS: Almost 9 months ago, I (Terence) started walking from Atlanta, GA to Washington D.C. to bring attention to poverty in our country. It took me two months to complete this journey on foot – with my friend Johnny Taylor following in a bus!

Fast-forward, our organization (Love Beyond Walls) has turned this 700+ mile journey into a documentary telling the stories of those we met along the way. To make it even greater, we were asked to show our first official public screening at The Center For Civil & Human Rights Museum in August!
If you’ve never been and want to see this film, stay tuned for details as we prepare to give a voice to the voiceless nationally!


Challenging 5K People To Love The Poor – MAP16

This past Sunday, we were invited to share our #MAP16 story in Shreveport, LA [Shreveport Convention Center] to over 5K people!

Not only did we get a chance to share some of our clips, but we challenged people to consider the poor, understand the realities of the poor, and create margin in their personal lives to notice people.

We are excited about starting our editing process this week as we prepare to share our March Against Poverty story with the world. 

During this season, take time to notice those who are poor, and consider what really matters.15283987_10210013003913216_7598884593685404635_n

LBW Team

Bus Update – Inside coming along!

This past weekend, our team led by Dave Douglass completed more work on the inside of the bus. It has been an amazing journey. We look forward to getting the bus on the road by the end of the month.

Below is a picture of Carlos & Andrew working on wiring the barbershop/salon in the first section.


LBW Team

Top Four Challenges of Living on Bus – Mobile Makeovers!

It hit me this AM around 5… It is only four days left until I attempt to do this!

Yesterday, when I picked my daughter up from school she hands me a card that touched my heart… For the last month, my wife and I have been preparing her (and my son) with the information I have been sharing about living on top of the bus for 30 nights.

I told her that she’d see me everyday but that I would be living on a bus trying to awareness/funds so we can help people with #lovebeyondwalls. At first she was uncomfortable because she said, “It was dangerous and she don’t know how I would take a shower” (LOL). But, yesterday it clicked for her. She has been serving with her mom and I since she was a 1 year old. We have modeled our lives in showing her how to be a giving person.

So yesterday she walked up to me, and says, “Dad, I will always be your best friend, and will help you…I’m going to be there…” In fact, she has encouraged me more to start and finish. Check out out card with my beard all grown out…


This touched something deep within me, but it also caused me to start to think about the top four challenges I’ll face while up there. Here they are:

1) I’ll be staying up there at night in freezing weather. Although, I’ll have a power supply it will still be very difficult because the wind chills will get rough.

2) I will not be able to be with my family. Living on the bus will have me away from my family for a large number of days. I will see them, but it will be very difficult.

3) I will not have tons of social interaction. There are some days where we are going to ask people to come out, but I will be on top of the bus tons of hours and not around anyone. I am going to post my number so random people can call me and check on me.

4) It will be a battle mentally. Because I’ll spend close 700 hours on this bus it will be very difficult for me. I will have a lot of free time, and plan on writing, reading, and posting videos giving people updates.

I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I attempt to do this to glorify God, and hopefully mobilize people to help us get this bus up and going to serve/reach more people in Atlanta.


No more haircuts!

About a month ago, we met a guy named Leonard digging through trashcans! We walked up to him, stopped him, and engaged into about a 45 minute conversation with him. During our conversation, we asked Leonard a very important question, “If you had one wish, what would you do with it….” Leonard paused, thought, and then said these words… “I WISH I COULD BE MADE OVER!”

He shared with us that he hadn’t showered in over two months, and he was too far from a shelter to walk to one. In fact, he was on the outskirts of Atlanta, and the nearest shelter was over 15 miles away.

I (Terence ) distinctly remember leaving there think to myself, “There has got to be a way to make people over….” Paul writes “that God has the power to make people a new creation through the good news (2 Corinthians 5:17)”

Well, to start the process of our next awareness campaign! I (and a few others) are going to go until next year without cutting our hair (starting Nov 1)…. This month also happens to be MOVEMBER (A month dedicated toward raising awareness about men health issues)

Why? I am glad you asked. Well, you’ll find out what we will attempt to do to help people like Leonard around the city of Atlanta! Pray that God continues to resource us to take #lovebeyondwalls

Watch the video below to see the bus…. Terence


10 Days Away – Ga Tech

Today marks ten days away from us showing just a small small part of our story at Ga Tech (LeCraw Auditorium). Additionally, we will talk a little about where we wish to go as an organization in 2015! If you’d like to purchase tickets, click the image below…


LBW Team

83 DAYS & Some Hardship!

Literally, I have been wearing the same outfit 83 DAYS straight! And, if I can be honest I want to tap out right now! Why? One of my shoes is completely busted (meaning I have a shoe and a half), my shirt is not even white anymore, and my pants are falling a apart at the bottom. Talk about humbling…

This journey has given me even more compassion for students in Title 1 schools who struggle with poverty, and has also increased my awareness to pay attention to the stories right around me. You never know what a person is going through!

Although I want to give up, I am not… Even if that means walking in one shoe! I am deeply inspired to go the journey so #lovebeyondwalls can start uniform closets in four Title 1 Schools.

Below are the picture for my shoe and shirt…


