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We put Graffiti on the Bus – Take the bus!

Have you every wanted to see something happen so bad that you would be willing to do whatever it took to see it through, and make sure it happened.

Well, that’s the exact space I’m in right now. Around Sept, we were donated a bus, and dreamed of launching a mobile bus that would provide full makeovers (barbershop, closet, and showers) to this who were in need in the city of Atlanta. And, honestly it has been a really slow process.

I didn’t think we’d transform the bus over night, but each day that passes, I am becoming more and more compassionate about making over communities by building relationships, and launching a program that will give people skills who are in need. Especially after seeing the tragic events that have taken place with people killing homeless people in the city of Atlanta, the horrible police brutality cases, and encountering more families with youth in desperate need.

In fact, we are so passionate about this, I am about to stay on the bus a total of 30 nights until we can raise the funds to change this bus so we can reach people. This is by far the craziest thing I have ever attempted to do, but I am this fired up to see our organization play a major part in stopping violence, providing dignity to those in need, and serving more people as time progresses.

I am literally six days away from staying on top of a bus for 30 days to raise awareness about the need to see lives change. Below is a picture of the bus we have spray painted and put a ramp on top of where I’ll be staying.



10 Days Away – Ga Tech

Today marks ten days away from us showing just a small small part of our story at Ga Tech (LeCraw Auditorium). Additionally, we will talk a little about where we wish to go as an organization in 2015! If you’d like to purchase tickets, click the image below…


LBW Team

Leadersource 1.0 – Saturday

This coming Saturday (20th), a small group of fifteen leaders will visit our headquarters (in College Park), sit around tables in our idea room, and learn leadership, technology/communication, storytelling, and outreach lessons we’ve learned over the last 8 and a half months we’ve been around.

We are calling it leadersource 1.0 because we believe leaders should have small gatherings that teaches, trains, and resources them with vital information to do effective work in the 21st Century. Our passion is to create idea-based environments where leaders can study and have hands-on training… This type of environment is the best way for leaders to learn, and discover ideas that will help them in what God has called them to.

If we are honest, many leaders wrestle with (in the 21st Century):

  • Not knowing their purpose.
  • Not seeing themselves as having anything to contribute to this life.
  • Thinking very little of themselves and not having access to the “secret sauce.”
  • Not knowing how they are wired and where they win.

So…….Whether it be non-profit work, church work, or a start-up small business there are unique things can be gathered from open dialogue.



Short film (Ga Tech LeCraw Auditorium)

We are excited! Yesterday we visited GA Tech, and snapped a few photos of the facility! This will be our first attempt to gather all of our social media videos, photos, and tell a unique story of why we exist and want to stay around. We ask that you support us by purchasing a ticket (if you haven’t already). You can get a ticket by clicking the image below. Every sale will go directly to helping us grow as an organization to reach more people!










Below are a few pictures, and a cold interview from John Springs (a homeless guy we met earlier this week).




Days 50-52 Goodie Hack, Awesome, Google

This past weekend, I made 50+ DAYS in one outfit (hoping to build closets in Title 1 Schools)… Also, @lovebeyondwalls got a chance to participate in an event hosted by @goodiehack. Goodie Hack is an event that brings together both cause driven organizations and techies to develop apps that may solve challenges the organization may have.

This event took place at the Opportunity Hub in downtown ATL (heart of the city). Companies like Google, Awesome Foundation and Be The Match were present and sponsors. Not only did @lovebeyondwalls place for its pitch and #lovearmy app idea, it was an awesome time working with total strangers who believed in our mission and what we stand for in this world (the love of God). Below are a couple of pics. Enjoy and follow the movement!

2014-06-21 11.59.17

2014-06-21 17.59.49Terence