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Love Beyond Walls – MoVe Talk

If you ever wanted to know what Love Beyond Walls is about, or wanted to learn more about our story –

Check out this MoVeTalk Terence gave at #FUSE16 about our organization! Listen. We hope this talk encourages you to do something for others!

Learn more about our organization by browsing our site.

LBW Team

The Midtown Bridge Church – Love Beyond Walls

We are extremely excited about partnering with The Midtown Bridge Church​ next month on a Sunday!

This is the first church we have partnered with that is literally canceling their Sunday worship to come a serve families where we are located. Talk about living the message! Can’t wait to see this community of faith take #lovebeyondwalls

ServeCPLBW Team

Surpassing our goal

Yesterday, we reached a goal that many thought was impossible! We hit our annual goal and made over 275 people in less than four months with the Mobile Makeovers bus!

After two and a half months of laboring to get the bus ready, the bus hit the road in May and has been giving people dignity since that historical month!

Today, we will begin to blow this goal out of the water by making more people over and connecting people to resources that will help them become self-sufficient!

Below is a picture of our 275th makeover! Thank you if you gave to this project!



LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls – Partners with FIM Part II

We are only ten book bags away from resourcing our friends in India who are serving orphans. Check out this video sent to us by our dear friend Raj! Hit us up if you want to help us send love to children without any resources to start school this year…

LBW Team

202 Makeovers & Counting!

Today we made 202 Mobile Makeovers by partnering with the Atlanta Food Truck Park by serving the homeless community! Super grateful to work with such great people. 


LBW Team

Love Feeds – Serving the community!

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to serve families in the community! Every other Friday we partner with Warehouse of Hope to resource families with hope and groceries. We call it #lovefeeds!

In addition, we are now at 88 #mobilemakeovers, and only have 187 more makeovers to go to achieve our goal of 275 for the year.


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3-on-3 Tournament – Mobile Makeovers

This coming Saturday, we are partnering with College Park Housing, and a local barbering school to cut the hair of youth in the community who will participate in the 3-on-3 tournament put on by the Housing Authority.

We will take out the bus, and park near the basketball court and set up! We are excited about providing more #mobilemakeovers this week.


LBW Team

Love Moms!

During the month of May, we are gathering items to serve mothers in need. Next moth, we are doing something really special for them! We are calling it #loveMOMS… We are collecting diapers, wipes, baby bottles, and many necessities moms need to care for their children.


LBW Team

Love Tour – May 1-2

We are extremely excited! For the last two days, we have traveled the city and have spread love with our #mobilemakeovers bus in Fulton County.

We plan to hit three more counties for our #lovetourATL and show more love! Below are a few pictures from the people we gave haircuts to…11183451_862256780478155_6387164259689976728_n



LBW Team