Before/After Inside Bus

Since our “Get on The Bus” campaign, we have made some major strides. In fact, in the last two months we have gotten the bus wrapped, and started the transformation process on the inside. It has come a long way, and it is almost that time to get it on the road.

We will have two phases of the bus completed (Barbershop/Closet). 

After getting it on the road and sharing some #mobilemakovers stories, we are then going to attempt to raise additional funds to add the shower unit inside.

If you would like to view a before/after picture of inside check them out below. Also, if you would like to give to our project please click [HERE].

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LBW Team

Small pieces make the big picture!

Have you ever collected many small puzzle pieces, and somehow it dawns on you that they all make up a bigger picture?

Well, that’s what has happened and keeps happening with our #mobilemakeovers project! The other day, my daughter and I decided to take the two front seats to a reupholstery shop five minutes away from the office… Upon our arrival, I spoke with the owner, showed him the seats, and waited for an estimate.

Little did I know he’d ask me why were we wanting the seats to be redone… Well, I shared our story and he got this look in his eyes… He looked at the seats, and then looked at me and said, “God wants me to help you… You all are out there ministering to people… we will do them at no charge!”

This touched me so much because little by little God has provided through random people to help us piece together our first mobile project!

Huge S/O to Banister’s Upholstery!



"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team


Floors are in the bus!

For the last month or so (since I got off the bus), our team has be diligently working to get the bus up and on the road! It has taken tons of sacrifice, effort, and focus to work on the bus. Along the way, God has sent some really cool people to help out.








On Wednesday, Dave and Darren decided to lay the floors in the bus. As you can see from the picture below, the bus is really starting to change and transform on the inside…










Although we have won’t immediatly have the showers installed (still have more funds to raise), we are aiming to get the bus on the road to start mobilizing barbers/stylist, and people who want to make people over with the closet inside the bus.



Are you looking to discover your purpose? Do you want to make an impact in the world by starting something that matters? Or, do you want to grow as a leader? If so, join us as we launch our second leadership community called “LEADERSOURCE.” This is an intentional gathering to develop those who are serious about making an impact in the world. To lean more, click “leadersource” on the menu tab or simply follow the details on the flyer below…


LBW Team



Valleys are important!

Have you ever been knocked down? You know what I mean… Life happens unexpectedily and you are forced to sit quietly and reflect on all that has happened. I’ve been in that place.

In the last past 13 days I have had to deal with many unfortunate things during these days including my son getting very ill (he is now doing a little better). This place created a “valley moment” both for me and my family.

You know what a valley is… It is the place in the middle of two mountains. It is the place that is often times associated with difficulty, pressure, weight, and isolation. But, what I am learning is that valleys (too) can be a place of tremendous blessing.

How? Because valleys give you deep perspective about life, your personal internal climate, and lessons for for your life’s toolbox. After much prayer and support, my son is doing a little better, and is being scheduled to see a specialist to run more tests for his condition.

What am I gaining from this tough moment? That’s simple. Valleys are important because they cause you to refocus on things that matter most, forge tighter relationships with people who are present, and glean strength and insight on how to continue the journey of life.

If you are in a valley moment, look for the gold in your circumstances. It is treasure that is often times hidden underneath the rubble.



Clark Kent, Not Superman!

I just want to give you a heads up… You are not about to read a Superman blog… More like a Clark Kent blog… Why? Simple. Because I don’t want to be another leader hiding behind a red cape.

superman_logo_hd_wallpaper.jpgIf I can be honest, it’s been almost 4 1/2 days since I’ve been off of the bus, and it has been extremely hard readjusting to normally life. In fact, the first two nights were very restless and unsettling. Why? I couldn’t help but think about others out there suffering in the cold (who were experiencing what I experienced).

Although I know it isn’t my fault, I still feel compassion toward those who are without, and am pursuing ideas to help people permanently this year.

Yes, I have been able to get some rest, but have sill had to deal with some unfortunate life experiences as well. For instance, my wife and I had a grandmother to pass of cancer just yesterday, and our son got sick in the same day (having to be rushed to the hospital). Literally, while headed to be with family after a loss, we ended up in the ER with our son. This was a Clark Kent day…

Not only did these things happen, I had another grandmother get ill, and have still had to process tons of other opposition I faced while on the bus.

I think one of the greatest leadership misconceptions is that people think that you are supposed to be strong through every single thing. Here is a newsflash, no one is that strong. In fact, leaders shouldn’t put themselves in this type of imprisoning bubble. Sometimes leadership is about being Clark Kent. Why? Because it shows people that we are all fragile, and at any given moment can fall victim to life circumstances. 

What has kept me during this transition; it has been God’s sustaining strength (Phil 4:13), family, and a few friends. In no way am I trying to over spiritualize where I am, but I am confessing that it has been my faith that has carried me thus far… Why share this part? Simple. Because I am not Superman. I don’t have a cape…I have faith in a God that’s strong, and able to do the impossible.

You are probably wondering if staying on a bus is still worth it to me? My answer is still, yes. Yes it was worth people being educated. Yes it was worth seeing a few brothers form a relationship with God. And yes, it has been worth starting the beginning of what is to come with the #mobilemakeovers bus!


Night 25 – 10 Degree Weather

Last night made night 25, and also one of the hardest nights yet. Why? Because the weather dropped immensely, and we had to take extra precautions. We had tons of blankets, heaters, and had to cut our night/morning short around 5AM this morning.

If I can be candid for a moment, people ask how have I been able to survive mentally, spiritually, and physically on top of a bus in the middle of winter for almost 30 nights without getting sick, or having a mental breakdown from the pressure that comes with this (because my personal life has still happened).

Well, allow me to tell you that’s it has been God’s sustaining hand. I’m not superman, I’m not strong enough to complete this alone. God has moved through my wife Cecilia Lester caring for our children and supporting, and many others who have stepped up to send encouragement.

I’ve wanted to quit, I’ve wanted to stop, but God won’t let me…God has placed more compassion in my heart as the days go on for those who are broken, and are deserving of hope and love. I’ve seen the other side walking in the shoes of those who are voiceless and nameless… I have tasted the bitter view of the lenses that many wear who are affected by poverty.

Today, I’m five days away from finishing something that’s so much bigger than me or our org. It’s something that gives those who are forgotten a voice, and places focus on God’s love that is needed in the earth today… This is my truth. 


21 Nights – Church

For the last 10 or so days, a few brothers have been staying with me on the bus. While I sleep on the top, they stay below inside the bus. Additionally, they have become out first #mobilemakeovers candidates.

With the help of several barbers, and generous donors, we will able to make them over, and this morning for the first Sunday of the year we are all going to church. Why? Because they asked to and outward transformation is not compared to the inner transformation that can take place.










Below is a before and after pictures of the brothers! So far, I only have 9 more nights on top of the bus before I make thirty days. I ask that you help us change the bus so we can reach more people.

