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I just want to give you a heads up… You are not about to read a Superman blog… More like a Clark Kent blog… Why? Simple. Because I don’t want to be another leader hiding behind a red cape.

superman_logo_hd_wallpaper.jpgIf I can be honest, it’s been almost 4 1/2 days since I’ve been off of the bus, and it has been extremely hard readjusting to normally life. In fact, the first two nights were very restless and unsettling. Why? I couldn’t help but think about others out there suffering in the cold (who were experiencing what I experienced).

Although I know it isn’t my fault, I still feel compassion toward those who are without, and am pursuing ideas to help people permanently this year.

Yes, I have been able to get some rest, but have sill had to deal with some unfortunate life experiences as well. For instance, my wife and I had a grandmother to pass of cancer just yesterday, and our son got sick in the same day (having to be rushed to the hospital). Literally, while headed to be with family after a loss, we ended up in the ER with our son. This was a Clark Kent day…

Not only did these things happen, I had another grandmother get ill, and have still had to process tons of other opposition I faced while on the bus.

I think one of the greatest leadership misconceptions is that people think that you are supposed to be strong through every single thing. Here is a newsflash, no one is that strong. In fact, leaders shouldn’t put themselves in this type of imprisoning bubble. Sometimes leadership is about being Clark Kent. Why? Because it shows people that we are all fragile, and at any given moment can fall victim to life circumstances. 

What has kept me during this transition; it has been God’s sustaining strength (Phil 4:13), family, and a few friends. In no way am I trying to over spiritualize where I am, but I am confessing that it has been my faith that has carried me thus far… Why share this part? Simple. Because I am not Superman. I don’t have a cape…I have faith in a God that’s strong, and able to do the impossible.

You are probably wondering if staying on a bus is still worth it to me? My answer is still, yes. Yes it was worth people being educated. Yes it was worth seeing a few brothers form a relationship with God. And yes, it has been worth starting the beginning of what is to come with the #mobilemakeovers bus!


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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