Labor Day – #CarryATL

Today, officially starts the #carryATL campaign! However, we got a jumpstart on passing out carrying bags to Atlanta’s homeless this past Saturday. We encountered some very signifigant stories that confirmed the great need for resourcing our homeless friends with carrying bags.

We met a lady named Maria who has been homeless for a year! She was in the parking lot earlier that morning before we started to go out and pass out bags, and she made a statement that stuck with us the entrée day (and days to come), “A bag helps me because everything I own is in them…” She was basically saying that if she didn’t have anything to transport her items, she wouldn’t have anything.

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Assist us this month as we collect bags, and hygiene items for the homeless in Atlanta, GA. Below is a video o another lady we met who stopped by the headquarters! Listen as Michelle speaks on why bags are important. To donate, click [HERE] or send us an email to to drop off resources at our headquarters in College Park.

LBW Team

Love Boxes help the Elderly!

Today, we were able to resource over 20 families with groceries (#loveboxes) because of our partnership with Warehouse of Hope! Because of their support we are able to resource elderly people who struggle with food lack.


LBW Team

Short film (Ga Tech LeCraw Auditorium)

We are excited! Yesterday we visited GA Tech, and snapped a few photos of the facility! This will be our first attempt to gather all of our social media videos, photos, and tell a unique story of why we exist and want to stay around. We ask that you support us by purchasing a ticket (if you haven’t already). You can get a ticket by clicking the image below. Every sale will go directly to helping us grow as an organization to reach more people!










Below are a few pictures, and a cold interview from John Springs (a homeless guy we met earlier this week).




First Documentary (Screening)

Georgia Institute of Technology
800 West Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30308

Love Beyond Walls is gearing up to show its first short documentary highlighting people in the trenches making a difference.

This movie will highlight working class people, homeless individuals, and many who live under desperate circumstances.

This short film will highlight the story of how our organization started, and where we are aiming to go to reach more people with God’s love. You will leave with a heart of compassion towards individuals that are under-served, and under-resourced.

To purchase early bird tickets, click [HERE] or the image below!


LBW Team


The finish line is close…

Today makes 89 days wearing one outfit on behalf of children that struggle with poverty! Tomorrow will complete the journey (90 DAYS)!

 Along the journey, many selfless individuals gave, donated new/used uniforms, and encouraged us to finish strong.

In fact, every single uniform raised will go directly to help four Title 1 Schools we have partnered with for the upcoming school year. To support more, click [HERE].

Lastly, we had over 40 people from all over the US take a stand with us by wearing uniforms the last three Mondays in July. We called them #strikedays (people uniting and taking a stand with us).


LBW Team

DAY 80 – 10 more days to go!

This morning makes 80 DAYS in one outfit! I only has 10 MORE DAYS TO GO to make a full 90 DAYS! My uniform is too small and shoes are badly worn, but this sacrifice is constantly reminding me of ALL the children #lovebeyondwalls will help this school year who have to endure the same journey not as a stance or choice but are forced to each day.10543628_727142203989614_4566573084676689924_n


DAY 77 – Determined to Finish

This past Tuesday, @ladiesatlanta (chapter of the national organization Ladies America) partnered with us to raise uniforms for the Title 1 schools we are adopting for our #closetstrike campaign! This chapter had a networking event, and invited our team out to be their special guest. #lovebeyondwalls got a chance to share the mission & vision with this great group of people.


Next week, LeCrew, LLC will partner with us to raise the remaining uniforms before the #closetsrtike campaign ends. We are grateful and excited for God connecting us with people who have a heart to serve!

Today is DAY 77 in one outfit! Only 13 DAYS left… My (Terence) shoe is almost completely gone! I am literally determined to see this #closetstrike journey all the way through… Why? Because we’ll get to bless many children without resources in their closets at home… This has been both the most humbling, humiliating, and rewarding journey ever in life… Lord, give me strength to go the distance. #lovebeyondwalls




Days 71- 73 – Serving the Community!

Jesus makes a bold statement that resonates deeply with #lovebeyondwalls every time we go and and engage the community. He said, “For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45, NKJV).”

Not only did Jesus see his life as a sacrifice, he saw it as something that would benefit others. 

This past weekend was awesome because we mobilized 27 volunteers to serve over 70 families in College Park Housing Authority apartments. Not only did we encounter great need, we encountered people whom God loves.

Could you imagine not having food in your refrigerator and not knowing how or where your next meal was coming from? This is what we encountered and more… It was eye-opening to discover the poverty that exists right in the communities around us. 

After serving, we got a chance to pray with and for many people, build relationships in that community, and schedule our next serve date.

Guess what?

We are now doing a cookout in these apartments on the 26th of July! We’re going to engage over 200 people from this community with the love of God and food. To learn more, email us at

Below are a few pictures from our serving!

Serve Collage

LBW Team