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Giving Tuesday!

It’s Giving Tuesday, and we hope LBW is in your plan for giving this Holiday Season.

There are two quick-and-easy ways to support LBW. Firstly, you can simply visit our site, and make a contribution [HERE]. Every gift powers us to serve more people, and spread hope and love!

Secondly, you can give toward our “MOBILE MAKEOVERS BUS” campaign [HERE]. We are aiming to retrofit a bus to reach those who are under resourced in Atlanta.

If you experienced any of our service projects or stories this year, or if you believe in our efforts to reach those who are in need, please make a tax-deductible year-end donation.


LBW Team

LBW plants a Barbershop/Salon – #solebeauti

This past weekend, we started renovating again!

How? We decided to partner with #solebeauti to start a Barbershop/Salon in our offices to serve people in need. It’s being started by one of our team members and committed volunteers (Nicole Campbell). She is partnering with us and has vowed to donate and give discounted haircuts and styles to those #lovebeyondwalls serve in the city of Atlanta when her normal customers visits her Barbershop/Salon!

Below is a quick picture of the #solebeauti process at the LBW headquarters!


LBW Team

Brittany gets furniture, Man finds friends!

Last week, we released Brittany’s story, and got amazing responses! This week people started giving to this single mother with eight children. In fact, a generous couple gives away their furniture to help us start the process of furnishing her new townhome!

She was once homeless, and now is in need of a little help….You can help too! She still needs baby bunk beds, kitchen items, winter clothes for her kids, etc…


Read her story [HERE]

This past Saturday, #lovebeyondwalls teamed up with Vinings Church, and several volunteers to take love to those who are homeless in ATL. While out serving, the Love Beyond Walls team encountered a man who had been given very harmful drugs and had lost his memory. In fact, he wasn’t homeless but had been robbed and was living as a homeless person…. He was only trying to connect with his friends.10672273_759400770763757_5790484636429957234_n

Long story short, he was visiting Atlanta for the games that were in town, and was able to reconnect with his friends from our time serving. Not only was this amazing, we encountered several homeless friends with amazing stories.

LBW Team


More Hygiene Products!

Over the last few months, we have served tons of families but have noticed something unique. Many families or individuals that we have helped have asked for hygiene products. Why? Because as one lady said, “These are hard to come by when you are unemployed…”

Therefore, we have vowed to launch another campaign to collect more “LOVE KITS” in the month of October to help more people that we encounter. If you’d like to support this campaign please see the flyer below for more details.


LBW Team

Second Corporate Sponsor – Voya!

This coming Friday, #lovebeyondwalls will be one of the three charities adopted by Voya Investments. The other two wonderful charities are (The Ronald McDonald House & The Wounded Warrior Project). Not only is this a huge blessing, this partnership will help us continue to do the work in under-resourced communities in the Atlanta area.

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LBW Team


She's no longer homeless!

We got a chance to interview Brittany today! We helped he a month ago, and now she is no longer homeless — thanks to one of our volunteers Ms. Gloria!

She took her in, cared for her, prayed for her, and keep bringing her around… Now, we need help clothing her kids for the winter, and getting her some furniture for her new place! Can you help us #lovebeyondwalls

Below are her before and after stories… Watch them, and let us know if you can help!

LBW Team


Labor Day – #CarryATL

Today, officially starts the #carryATL campaign! However, we got a jumpstart on passing out carrying bags to Atlanta’s homeless this past Saturday. We encountered some very signifigant stories that confirmed the great need for resourcing our homeless friends with carrying bags.

We met a lady named Maria who has been homeless for a year! She was in the parking lot earlier that morning before we started to go out and pass out bags, and she made a statement that stuck with us the entrée day (and days to come), “A bag helps me because everything I own is in them…” She was basically saying that if she didn’t have anything to transport her items, she wouldn’t have anything.

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Assist us this month as we collect bags, and hygiene items for the homeless in Atlanta, GA. Below is a video o another lady we met who stopped by the headquarters! Listen as Michelle speaks on why bags are important. To donate, click [HERE] or send us an email to to drop off resources at our headquarters in College Park.

LBW Team

Short film (Ga Tech LeCraw Auditorium)

We are excited! Yesterday we visited GA Tech, and snapped a few photos of the facility! This will be our first attempt to gather all of our social media videos, photos, and tell a unique story of why we exist and want to stay around. We ask that you support us by purchasing a ticket (if you haven’t already). You can get a ticket by clicking the image below. Every sale will go directly to helping us grow as an organization to reach more people!










Below are a few pictures, and a cold interview from John Springs (a homeless guy we met earlier this week).




Over 200 kids served!

This morning (5AM), I don’t know what to say… Yesterday we saw children SMILE! Have you ever had a moment where you know you’ve experienced something great but didn’t know how it came about? Well, I had a similar feeling when I walked around Sheltering Arms yesterday watching 20+ corporate professionals (from our corporate sponsor) serve, read to, teach, and paint the faces of 200 kids in that community.

We even had a nutritional superhero (Super Cooper) come out to teach kids the importance of eating healthy and exercising.

It was our first annual back to school kick-off promoting education in early childhood learning centers. Additionally, Northwestern raised over 256 books to help us promote literacy among families in the College Park community. It was an amazing day serving alongside Northwestern, Sheltering Arms, and Get Well Soon.

Below are a few pictures taken from the amazing day!

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