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More Hygiene Products!

Over the last few months, we have served tons of families but have noticed something unique. Many families or individuals that we have helped have asked for hygiene products. Why? Because as one lady said, “These are hard to come by when you are unemployed…”

Therefore, we have vowed to launch another campaign to collect more “LOVE KITS” in the month of October to help more people that we encounter. If you’d like to support this campaign please see the flyer below for more details.


LBW Team

Days 35-39 Uniforms Coming In…

This is what I’ve been sacrificing for… Today, the founder of the Purple Phoenix Project (a domestic violence awareness organization) dropped off the first 4 donated uniforms for the 4 schools #lovebeyondwalls is partnering with to provide closets for students this coming school year. If you would like to learn more, read one of our most recent blogs about why we are doing what we are doing [HERE]!

This excites me so much! Why? Because this proves that sacrifice helps others…God sacrificed for ALL of humanity, and I am just crazy enough to follow God’s lead. Therefore, I gave up my closet so kids can have one! DAY 39 is inspirational. Why? Because uniforms are starting to come in for kids who lack resources in their closets… First 4 donated uniforms… 246 to go! #closetstrike



Plant Love Campaign

We are approaching a historic month for #lovebeyondwalls! Why? Because in the month of April we will occupy our first office/slash storage space. Below is a picture if you have seen it yet:

2014-03-21 09.08.41-3

Of course it is not a gigantic building, but it will be something we call a headquarters & home.

It will be a “launchpad” for the work we would like to continue doing in our city (ATL), country, and world.

It will be a place where we can get planted and grow as an organization. We ask that you do four specific things to help us get planted into our new office/storage space in the month of April (whole month).

1) Pray – I ask that you pray that God allows us to get planted, and immediately continue to reach people who do not have any hope.

2) Give – I ask that you look at our simple “wish list” and contribute in of the items on it that we need. This is ALL from scratch, so we will need your help. But, if we have to spend the first month on the floor with laptops working, we are cool with that too. LOL. Simply click [HERE] to visit our “wish list” page.

3) Volunteer  – We will post the days that we will start working on the building to clean it, and make minor repairs to it. We ask that you volunteer to help get our building together. We will need help getting organized, painting, etc. Why? As we get planted, we can help more people.

4) Share our story – If you know someone who could help us move forward, share our story. You never know who “you know” that we can help, or could help us.

Thank you for reading this blog. Pray for #lovebeyondwalls as we aim to “PLANT LOVE” in the city of Atlanta! Below is the graphic for the new campaign #plantlove

plantlove-office-instagram Terence