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First Community BBQ – Take Love

On July 26th, our next “day of service” we include mobilizing volunteers to put on #lovebeyondwalls first BBQ in the College Park Housing Authority apartments.

Why? Because we have encountered many residents in extreme need, and we feel compelled to take the Love of God to these wonderful people. If you’d like to volunteer, please email

Details are below!

Barbeque Flyer Template

LBW Team


Days 71- 73 – Serving the Community!

Jesus makes a bold statement that resonates deeply with #lovebeyondwalls every time we go and and engage the community. He said, “For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45, NKJV).”

Not only did Jesus see his life as a sacrifice, he saw it as something that would benefit others. 

This past weekend was awesome because we mobilized 27 volunteers to serve over 70 families in College Park Housing Authority apartments. Not only did we encounter great need, we encountered people whom God loves.

Could you imagine not having food in your refrigerator and not knowing how or where your next meal was coming from? This is what we encountered and more… It was eye-opening to discover the poverty that exists right in the communities around us. 

After serving, we got a chance to pray with and for many people, build relationships in that community, and schedule our next serve date.

Guess what?

We are now doing a cookout in these apartments on the 26th of July! We’re going to engage over 200 people from this community with the love of God and food. To learn more, email us at

Below are a few pictures from our serving!

Serve Collage

LBW Team

Day 68 – Sleeves too Short

Today, makes 68 DAYS in one outfit! To be honest, I have personally washed this uniform over 60 times and now my sleeves don’t fit… Super humbling journey for #closetstrike.

As I continue, I am encouraged to go the distant because I know children feel embarrassed to wear clothes that can’t fit anymore. 68 days down, 22 to go!



Day 61 Mobilizing Corporations!

Yesterday, we got word that our first corporate sponsor [Northwestern Benefit] will serve with @lovebeyondwalls on August 12th to promote literacy, education, and love at Sheltering Arms (in the Camp Creek area). In fact, we made the entire day about corporate professionals serving, and not about our organization!

We felt it is not only important to serve children and families, but to leave our core values of collaboration and sacrifice imprinted on both Sheltering Arms & Northwestern Benefit!

This day will be a day of fun for the children, education for the parents, and a day of assistance for the staff that we all will serve. The best thing about this event is that we will raise over 200 children’s books to give-away to every child to help them develop in their educational curriculum.

If you’d like to volunteer or serve, email or view the flyer below.


LBW Team

Awesome weekend!

This past weekend, 60+ people stopped by our facility for #lovebeyondwalls Meet, Greet, & Serve day! It was awesome! In fact, tons of the people who stopped by went out and served with us in the College Park community to serve those in need. It was our second (Dream Center type) Adopt-a-Block to outreach to the community.

We were able to provide food & water to many people who live in low income apartment complexes! It was both heartfelt and inspiring to see both volunteers and residents stand in a circle together in prayer!

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In fact, one lady (resident) broke down in tears because she said, “If you guys wouldn’t have shown up, I wouldn’t have had food for the next two weeks….” This lady thanked God with everything right in the parking lot.  We all left those apartments thanking God for the ability to serve, but also meditating on two passages from the scriptures that speak to what we experienced…

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“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world (James 1:27, NRSV)”

“Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? (Matthew 6:26-30, NRSV)
