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Outside Done – Bus Wrapped!

Thanks to 11Alive News and The Color Spot, the outside is done…. Woohooo… It was extremely awesome picking up the bus this past weekend, and seeing the transformation to the outside complete. Now, all we have to do is complete/finish the inside.

Currently, we are building/framing sections and taking steps toward completion. This is super amazing to see the bus that we were donated back in September 2014 come so far… God is truly pushing this project forward.

We ask that you help us raise the last 20K to not only finish the interior of the bus but to get the bus up on the road providing full makeovers to people in need around the city. These funds will cover more materials needed to continue transforming the inside of the bus, labor, and get us running.

Below are the before/after photo, and the framing we have done on the inside. If you’d like to give, please click [HERE].

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Help us to continue to make a difference. We’re participating in the 5th annual ‘IKEA Life Improvement Co-worker Challenge’ – a program that gives our charity the chance to win a makeover from IKEA (16th Street Location). This makeover will help us create a training space for those in the community that is functional, inviting and well-designed — a place our community can feel welcome and comfortable.

Participating is simple. All you have to do is go to and vote for (‪#‎lovebeyondwalls‬). You can vote once a day from February 16th until March 2nd. It’s that easy! To vote, click the image below. Thanks for your support!


LBW Team

Bus Update – One Step Closer

This past weekend, we prepped the bus by blacking out the important parts! Can’t believe it is going in to be wrapped tomorrow. After it comes out, the first phase of construction will happen on the 21st.

If you are an electrician, contractor, or skilled worker hit us up, we need your skills (email! One step closer.


LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls @ Morehouse!

Yesterday, Terence got a chance to present to over 70 up and coming community leaders from Morehouse & Spelman College about #lovebeyondwalls, and what t means to make a difference in the world through service.

The talk took place in front of the group “Project House” (an organization led by the student body that organizes students to serve among the homeless population).

Below is a picture of Jairus Davis (E board Member) that invited us out and put this on at Dansby Hall.


LBW Team


Words from a Wife – Journey Completed

So you want to be a wife? But, what if your husband has a heart for the homeless, vulnerable and poverty stricken…. What if he decides to live on top of a BUS for 30 days.. AWAY from you and your family!!!


Marriage is NO JOKE…can you really do what Pastor Enid Stewart says and “Give back to God whom he GAVE to YOU.”

As I think about the Mobile Makeovers Bus campaign or Love Beyond Walls in general… I always think about the reason why we started this organization. We started with a deep love and compassion to take love to those who are often times forgotten… some call them “the least of these.”

People have asked my husband why would he live on top of a bus for a month… Well, here is a little secret that most people don’t know… I was the person who told my him that if he wanted to get the bus going and really get the word out about the campaign he was going to have to do something out of the box, strange, or something that was not ordinary to get people’s attention in this busy world we live in.

He mentioned that we needed a large amount of resources to make over the bus and I said, “You’re going to have to live on top of the bus or something… It has to be radical where it makes a statement.” He responded, “You’re right. I have to stand up for what we believe in…”

Afterwards, we talked about the timeframe, and how it would happen. I didn’t know that it would change so many lives and so many people would get on board and support the cause. It amazes me to see the number of lives we are changing by following Christ. People say it was selfless, but we say it’s simply doing what is in our hearts.

During the time that Terence has been on the bus, I have received a lot of questions in reference to how did I do it or why did I let him do it? And my answer is simple, “I did it because I understand the passion that my husband has because he has been this was since we have been together.”

I covered him with prayer daily, sent encouragement to him through text messages, visits, and lots of phone calls. I knew what kind of person he was from Day 1 so there are not many things that he says out of the box that shocks me. I am grateful for all of my family and friends that have helped me along the way while he has been on the bus.

I wouldn’t have been able to do all that I have done without him taking care of home before he left to be on the bus just to be sure that we’d be okay. Additionally, he has set a great example for our children by living a message of giving.

It is an honor to be on this journey with my husband through Love Beyond Walls as we serve people through the Mobile Makeovers campaign. I am grateful to have a husband like Terence who doesn’t mind going to get anything! He has proven that he will stand up for the works that is supposed to be done for Christ.

This is what a wife does to support her husband.
