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Floors are in the bus!

For the last month or so (since I got off the bus), our team has be diligently working to get the bus up and on the road! It has taken tons of sacrifice, effort, and focus to work on the bus. Along the way, God has sent some really cool people to help out.








On Wednesday, Dave and Darren decided to lay the floors in the bus. As you can see from the picture below, the bus is really starting to change and transform on the inside…










Although we have won’t immediatly have the showers installed (still have more funds to raise), we are aiming to get the bus on the road to start mobilizing barbers/stylist, and people who want to make people over with the closet inside the bus.


Outside Done – Bus Wrapped!

Thanks to 11Alive News and The Color Spot, the outside is done…. Woohooo… It was extremely awesome picking up the bus this past weekend, and seeing the transformation to the outside complete. Now, all we have to do is complete/finish the inside.

Currently, we are building/framing sections and taking steps toward completion. This is super amazing to see the bus that we were donated back in September 2014 come so far… God is truly pushing this project forward.

We ask that you help us raise the last 20K to not only finish the interior of the bus but to get the bus up on the road providing full makeovers to people in need around the city. These funds will cover more materials needed to continue transforming the inside of the bus, labor, and get us running.

Below are the before/after photo, and the framing we have done on the inside. If you’d like to give, please click [HERE].

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Help us to continue to make a difference. We’re participating in the 5th annual ‘IKEA Life Improvement Co-worker Challenge’ – a program that gives our charity the chance to win a makeover from IKEA (16th Street Location). This makeover will help us create a training space for those in the community that is functional, inviting and well-designed — a place our community can feel welcome and comfortable.

Participating is simple. All you have to do is go to and vote for (‪#‎lovebeyondwalls‬). You can vote once a day from February 16th until March 2nd. It’s that easy! To vote, click the image below. Thanks for your support!


LBW Team

Night 25 – 10 Degree Weather

Last night made night 25, and also one of the hardest nights yet. Why? Because the weather dropped immensely, and we had to take extra precautions. We had tons of blankets, heaters, and had to cut our night/morning short around 5AM this morning.

If I can be candid for a moment, people ask how have I been able to survive mentally, spiritually, and physically on top of a bus in the middle of winter for almost 30 nights without getting sick, or having a mental breakdown from the pressure that comes with this (because my personal life has still happened).

Well, allow me to tell you that’s it has been God’s sustaining hand. I’m not superman, I’m not strong enough to complete this alone. God has moved through my wife Cecilia Lester caring for our children and supporting, and many others who have stepped up to send encouragement.

I’ve wanted to quit, I’ve wanted to stop, but God won’t let me…God has placed more compassion in my heart as the days go on for those who are broken, and are deserving of hope and love. I’ve seen the other side walking in the shoes of those who are voiceless and nameless… I have tasted the bitter view of the lenses that many wear who are affected by poverty.

Today, I’m five days away from finishing something that’s so much bigger than me or our org. It’s something that gives those who are forgotten a voice, and places focus on God’s love that is needed in the earth today… This is my truth. 


10 Reasons I Want To Quit The Bus Campaign

Today is rough. In fact, I am literally exhausted. For the last 23 days/nights, I have lived on top of a bus (because of my own decisions) to raise awareness, and hopefully transform the bus into a #mobilemakeovers unit for underserved communities, and displaced homeless individuals in the city of Atlanta. And now, there are only 7 nights left and I am tired. In all honesty, I want to give up. I want to throw in the towel and pack up my bags and go home. Why? Below are the top ten reasons I want to quit:

1) I have gotten very little sleep. In fact, last night I have only gotten on average 2-4 hours of sleep a night.

2) The weather is a challenge. I have lived in the rain, cold, and wind have been forces to be reckoned with.

3) It is very uncomfortable being in a very confined space. Because of the weather, it has caused me to be in a confined space multiple hours.

4) It is exhausting. When this journey is completed it will be over 700 hours invested in this project, and that is a lot.

5) It has been opposition. There are several challenges that have come up along the way.

6) I have had to face myself. This has forced me to face multiple fears, and even some things I had had to learn about myself.

7) Limited access to normal things. This has stripped away every attachment I have had to things that I was accustomed to…

8) The unknown. You never know what is to come, or anything will come at all.

9) Loss of enthusiasm. Having to deal with many issues can strip away your spunk or get up and go. I have had to overcome this many times.

10) Having to communicate constantly. For the last thirty days, I have documented most experiences that I have had during this period of time, and have shared them publicly. But, you get tired of communicating sometimes.

However, although many of these may be true it is God’s mission, people, and the cause that is keeping me going. This morning, I read a scripture that reminded me that this whole project is greater than me. It is because it’s about the people who have been impacted, and the people we have yet to impact. It’s about sharing the good news…

Jesus says, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily… (Luke 9:23)”

With that being said, I am going to continue the journey until I complete every single night on top of the bus (of the 30 night journey).

