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Third #lovefeeds

Grateful for Warehouse of Hope for continuing to resource us to serve families in need of groceries! This coming Friday, we are prepping for our third #lovefeeds!


LBW Team

Thank you Volunteers!

We wouldn’t be who we are without all of our amazing volunteers along the way! Today, for “volunteer appreciation week” we want to say thank you thank you thank you!


LBW Team

April 18th – Launch!

Have you every had a dream that required tons of focus, work, sweat, and tears? You know… It’s the type of dream where you have to keep telling yourself every single step counts over and over and over again.

Well, we have had a dream come true! On April 18th we will take our #mobilemakeovers bus out for the first time to provide 5-10 makeovers. Not only are we excited, we can’t wait to see the type of impact the bus will have on those who are in need and need an extra push!



Feed the Block!

This Good Friday, we will take all the resources we have raised for ‪#‎lovefeeds‬ and ‪#‎feedtheblock‬…. Tons of families in the College Park area are food insecure, and are in need of food to survive. Join us as we serve families… For more info, email


LBW Team

Serving this Saturday – Join Us!

This Saturday, we will be working on the bus again doing small projects… We are less that two and a half weeks away from launching the bus to serve people in need. Get involved and make a difference this weekend by helping us do small projects! 


LBW Team

Bus Update – Inside coming along!

This past weekend, our team led by Dave Douglass completed more work on the inside of the bus. It has been an amazing journey. We look forward to getting the bus on the road by the end of the month.

Below is a picture of Carlos & Andrew working on wiring the barbershop/salon in the first section.


LBW Team

Pop-Up Fashion Show!

We are excited! This Saturday, we are partnering with Sporty Gils, Inc. and their athletes to put on a pop-up fashion show to raise items for homeless teens. This is going to be really exciting because it will show the teens who are serving the importance of giving back to others, and the value of life. Check out the information below for details.


LBW Team