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Dignity Art

For the last year and a half, we have reached people from all walks of life! It has been an amazing journey, but recently God laid it upon our hearts to start working with guys transitioning out of homelessness in a different way! What way? I’m glad you asked. For the last two weeks, we have been showing guys how to take old reclaimed wood, and turn it into art – Dignity Art!

We have specifically worked with a guy named Bruce to build pieces of art, and allow our followers to make a bid toward those pieces (donating funds), and when the highest bidder wins, it creates an opportunity for us to compensate him for his work (employing him).

Below are a few pieces that he has designed, and two of his latest pieces. If you would like to learn more, email us at or if you would like to have a phrase placed on wood, let us know!



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Bruce makes art – Dignity Art

Check out this video! It highlights what Bruce has done with the art he has been making! He has made a piece for #dignityart that says, “Keep Moving Forward.” It you make a bid, we can employ him for a days worth of work. See how this is helping him fight homelessness.

LBW Team

Love Beyond Borders – Part II

This August, LBW is supporting orphans in India with school supplies this upcoming school year. Some of these orphans will recieve supplies for the first time through our program Love Beyond Borders.

LBW Team

RAURFEST2015 – Mobile Makeovers

We are partnering with Raury, and his annual  festival in Atlanta this coming Friday (at the Georgia Freight Depot). While the concert is going on, we will be providing haircuts to the homeless in the city!

Additionally, students from Usher’s New Look & C5 Georgia Youth Program will be accepting clothing donations at the door to distribute to those in need. Check out the flyer below for more details.


LBW Team

Showers & Haircuts – Makeovers

This past weekend, we partnered with Community Out Team & TitleMax and provided 25 showers & haircuts to homeless men and women in need.

Not only was it an amazing experience to serve, it was amazing to see brothers and sisters transform. Below are a few pictures from this past weekend.

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Love Feeds – Serving the community!

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to serve families in the community! Every other Friday we partner with Warehouse of Hope to resource families with hope and groceries. We call it #lovefeeds!

In addition, we are now at 88 #mobilemakeovers, and only have 187 more makeovers to go to achieve our goal of 275 for the year.


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3-on-3 Tournament – Mobile Makeovers

This coming Saturday, we are partnering with College Park Housing, and a local barbering school to cut the hair of youth in the community who will participate in the 3-on-3 tournament put on by the Housing Authority.

We will take out the bus, and park near the basketball court and set up! We are excited about providing more #mobilemakeovers this week.


LBW Team

One person at a time – Mobile Makeovers

Yesterday, our team went out to serve those in need with the #mobilemakeovers bus, and it was amazing!

We encountered a gentleman by the name of Harvey! At first he was apprehensive, but when he stepped on the bus he came to life, shared his story, and was open to all of the services we referred him to…

In fact, he said God sent the right people to me this morning! Check out his before and after picture below…


LBW Team