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Days 53-54 175 Uniforms to Go!

Today makes 54 DAYS in one outfit. 










So far, we’ve gotten one and a half schools covered with uniforms, and still have 175 uniforms to go… I literally only have 36 more DAYS to go wearing one outfit, and will start putting out videos when I hit DAY 30 for thirty days straight.

Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking giving away every single thing I owned to walk in the shoes of those children who go to school wearing one outfit multiple days. BUT I know it is what I was called to do… I wanted to do what I know God would do if God was roaming the earth. I wanted to bring attention to a sensitive issue that plagues the spirit and confidence of children I have encountered in Title 1 schools.

It’s been a rough journey wearing the same thing every single day, BUT I am super hopeful that God will and can and WILL meet many needs that we will serve in the schools our organization has adopted.

#lovebeyondwalls needs your help raising the last 175 uniforms. If you want to know how to get involved, read the uniform collection story [HERE]



Days 43-46 It's Official

Yesterday, #lovebeyondwalls received the official letter stating that it has been approved to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Not only is this exciting, it is an awesome opportunity to continue serving those who do not have a voice, and those who need help and assistance.


Additionally, today makes the 46th DAY I have been wearing one outfit to raise awareness about Title 1 students that attend school sometimes every single day with only one outfit. Help us raise the resources needed to build closets in Title 1 Schools [HERE]



Today is officially the 30th DAY of #closetstrike! I have been in one outfit for 30 DAYS straight… Why? to help elementary school students.

While doing the strike, #lovebeyondwalls  has experienced some pretty cool things… We officially collected over 300 cases of water for those who are homeless in Atlanta.


Initially, when we came up with the idea to collect water it was because I had found out that one of my  homeless friends I was working with was hospitalized due to dehydration.

I thought… I wonder why? Then it dawned on me that homeless people have very little access to public water! It is very hard access water and stay hydrated if you are homeless. Therefore, we decided to launch #projectTHIRST to keep those we encounter living on the streets hydrated with the basic necessity of water. Every human deserves dignity in a glass of water (no matter where they may lay their head a night)…

Therefore, over the last three weeks, we have distributed water to those who lack public access to water. It has been amazing!













In a week or so, #lovebeyondwalls will partner with the Salvation Army (In Atlanta) & It’s Just a Dream to serve those in the Pittsburgh community of the 11th of this month.

To learn more about how to get involved in what we are doing email



Love Beyond Borders

This morning (5AM), I woke up to this picture!







A month ago, we partnered with a 5th grade class to ship shoes to orphans in India… Well, the package arrived yesterday.







With the help of these young generous givers we were able to provide shoes for 35 shoeless orphans, and 7 adults that care for them from Faith India Ministries. It is amazing knowing that this box of shoes traveled from College Park to India to resource people we may never meet.

Love Beyond Walls is officially overseas…#lovebeyondwalls #lovebeyondborders


Exceeded our goal #projectTHIRST

This weekend, #lovebeyondwalls met and exceeded our water goal for the summer! Schools, individuals, youth, and businesses all chipped in and helped us to meet our goal.

Not only did the contribution this weekend put us over our goal, but it revealed the power of collaboration, and storytelling to accomplish something great for those who we aim to serve.



2 days down 88 to go…

88 more days to go! Only outfit I own at this point. This morning was extremely humbling… Why? Because when you don’t have options, you must be grateful for what little you have… Below is the one outfit that I have committed myself to for 90 DAYS during the awareness campaign #closetstrike

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The Soul Project – 500K Shoes

Today, I met one of the most inspiring brothers I have met in a long time… His name is Martin Kumi, and he started an organization called, The Soul Project. He shared with me his story of being raised in Africa, and being very poor as a child. In fact, he shared that if his dad wouldn’t have brought him to America, he would have had to have his feet amputated because (like many) he was a child that didn’t have shoes in his youth.

In 2007, he launched an organization in an effort to provide shoes to thousands of people in third world countries that do not have any shoes and are vulnerable to foot diseases. So far, he has given away 500K pairs of shoes to men, women, and children in many countries.

I was introduced to this brother from Eldridge Washington (a brother man that leads the organization M.A.D.E.). I was grateful for the connection. Why? Because we will take the remaining of the shoes we collected for #givemilesaway, and donate them to “The Soul Project” to help resources thousands of people in Africa (and other countries) shoes this summer. Kumi has a vision to resource 1 million people with shoes, and #lovebeyondwalls will support his movement to make it happen. The thing I loved most about this brother was that not only was he humble, but he was committed to the work that God has called him to… He said, “I AM GIVING MY LIFE TO THIS…”

Below is Martin, please pray for him and follow his work! 10312067_689867754383726_6479497630770914202_nTerence

Closet Strike (May 3rd-July 31st)

On May 3rd, I will start a journey that will be one of the longest journey’s of my life! Probably the most humbling too…. In fact, it will take over 2K hours to complete! But I feel like it is what I am supposed to do…

Why? Because I would like to advocate for children without proper clothing or closets! There are so many children facing poverty or are experiencing “family homelessness” that have to wear the same thing ever single day. Or, they don’t have the proper clothing period.

We have done community work in Title 1 Schools and have encountered so many children who literally wore the same thing every singe day because they didn’t have a choice or a washing machine….

In fact, that’s what this campaign is about… I am literally going to donate every single article of clothing, shoes, etc I own (leaving myself only one outfit), and will walk in the shoes of children across this nation and world who have very few articles of clothing in their closet. Yes, you heard that right… Every single thing I own! 

I am going to wear one outfit for 90 DAYS straight to raise awareness, uniforms, and clothing for children facing generational poverty. I’m literally giving up my closet, so children who do not have closets will have one. I will write, post, and update my entire journey via social media to explain the social pressures associated with little (hoping to educate the public about what poverty does to children psychologically). Hopefully, this campaign will enlighten, educate, and move people to respond to the issue of lack.

Why do this? Simple. Over the last several months I have had many experiences that centered around children not having proper attire and experiencing extreme poverty. I have met many homeless mothers that have children who lacked necessities during their hardship/transition, spoken with struggling single fathers who could not afford to purchase basic items for their children to wear, worked in schools and have encountered children (K-5) that have to wear the same thing EVERY SINGLE DAY because their family can’t afford to purchase items for them.

I even heard a child say, “Mom, my feet hurt…” because the shoes this 4 year old was wearing shoes that were not his size (while experiencing homelessness)…

I have discovered something in all the stories I encounter that involve children and poverty… Their pains are directly tied to their caregivers, and is not their own fault. As I prepare myself over the next 4 days, I’m reminded of how Jesus not only served people, but gave up his life to reconcile humanity back to God.

Pray for #lovebeyondwalls and our journey with #closetstrike… The artwork is below!

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