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Dignity Art Story – Part II

Our Starter (Terence), casts vision about a new program Love Beyond Walls is seeking to launch for homeless men, women, and children. Additionally, Bruce shares of his experiences with working with LBW! Watch the story below! To give, click “Dignity Art” on the menu bar!

LBW Team

Dignity House – Dignity Art

Hey, I’m posting this because I need your help. God laid it on my heart (as the leader of Love Beyond Walls) to try to purchase a home to employ and house those we serve battling with homelessness. Would you donate $1 to our campaign and get 5-10 more people to donate $1? We need 22K people to give one dollar so we can purchase our first home to house the homeless. You can read the story and give by clicking the image below:



First Art Show – Dignity Art

Love Beyond Walls will have its first “Dignity Art Show” to showcase pieces of art created by brothers who are homeless in the city of Atlanta!

Not only will the art be auctioned off, but will employ brothers who designed the pieces of art. We are looking to launch a program to aid brothers and sisters who desire dignity, responsibility, and work!


LBW Team

Movement at Love Beyond Walls

This past week was exceptional! Firstly, we have welcomed our first part-time staff member (Carlee Crawford). She will serve as the new admin for #lovebeyondwalls, and will aid us in organizational stuff.

Additionally, we finished our first commissioned bed (piece of art) and delivered it to one of our followers! Below are a few pictures of the bed being constructed, and the finished product.


LBW Team

We Won The Competition @ Plywood Presents

Yesterday, we found out that we won the idea competition at Plywood Presents! We got a chance to to pitch our idea in front of 800+ Plywood(ers) before five judges.

It was an amazing opportunity, and we cannot wait to get started with furthering our Mobile Makeovers project!

Below is a cool picture from the decision.


LBW Team

Dignity Art

For the last year and a half, we have reached people from all walks of life! It has been an amazing journey, but recently God laid it upon our hearts to start working with guys transitioning out of homelessness in a different way! What way? I’m glad you asked. For the last two weeks, we have been showing guys how to take old reclaimed wood, and turn it into art – Dignity Art!

We have specifically worked with a guy named Bruce to build pieces of art, and allow our followers to make a bid toward those pieces (donating funds), and when the highest bidder wins, it creates an opportunity for us to compensate him for his work (employing him).

Below are a few pieces that he has designed, and two of his latest pieces. If you would like to learn more, email us at or if you would like to have a phrase placed on wood, let us know!



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