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MAP16 Is Here – 30 Days Away!

Today Love Beyond Walls steps up to combat poverty!
The official countdown to Marching Against Poverty 2016 campaign has begun. In 30 days, we will walk from Atlanta to DC in hopes to provide a voice to the voiceless, share the stories of those who might otherwise go untold and raise resources to build our very own ‪#‎LoveCenter‬, a safe haven and resource center for those in need.
Get involved! Join us on the Journey! [] Follow the conversation! ‪#‎MAP16‬ ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ #LoveCenter

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Interviews w/ Dryer Buzz

Check out our interview last week on the #DyerBuzz for #languageofmen with Chago!

“Binge on Buzz — Special thanks to Love Beyond Walls for giving us the buzz behind Atlanta’s current situation with homeless, communities in need, and how we are helping with re-entry.  Watch a buzzing conversation take place and prepare to support.  For more information, follow Love Beyond Walls”

LBW Team

87 Days Away – MAP16

We are currently 87 DAYS AWAY before we attempt ‪#‎MAP16‬! During this time, we hope to restore a voice to the many people who are marginalized and forgotten (stories over stats). ‪map16_StatesNoDots
LBW Team

MAP16 Video – Part I

Terence shares his heart about his concern for those who are suffering, and talks a little about why he is trying to lose 50 pounds for Love Beyond Walls next campaign. We are officially 90 DAYS AWAY from attempting #MAP16
LBW Team

Free Laundry Room – Will You Help?

For the last six months, we’ve served families and homeless people in city and have noticed that many have a tough time washing their clothes! We are going to do something about it.

We are going to convert a room in our office into a small washroom to fill this need and give dignity to those that need a place to keep their personal items clean. Will you help? Email us to get involved.


LBW Team

DAY 1 – Give Love Away Challenge

For the month of February, we’re posting a challenge everyday (29 days) encouraging our followers to intentionally ‪#‎giveloveaway‬ with an act of kindness. Today is DAY 1. We challenge you to post something positive and challenge the negative post(s) we see on our timelines.


LBW Team

Atlanta Journal Constitution & Love Beyond Walls

This morning, we are extremely grateful. We had an another opportunity to be included in an article produced by Devika Rao in the AJC. It is our desire to continue serving more communities, under resourced families, and  homeless men, women, and children in 2016.

To check out the article, click the image below.

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Amazing First Art Show – Dignity Art!

Last night was amazing! We had two of the four artist present, over 50 pieces of art, 80+ people in attendance, and over 50 pieces of art auctioned. Additionally, we had a few sponsors present like TreadStone Valuations, Cozzee Coffee, Reveal Magazine, and a powerful spoken word artist (Subject to Change).

It was an amazing experience. Below are a few photos from the event!10383570_933857876651378_5438921309282195327_n12106998_933914449979054_4087926244591816805_n12074794_934072826629883_3251670561494009926_n



LBW Team