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Amazing First Art Show – Dignity Art!

Last night was amazing! We had two of the four artist present, over 50 pieces of art, 80+ people in attendance, and over 50 pieces of art auctioned. Additionally, we had a few sponsors present like TreadStone Valuations, Cozzee Coffee, Reveal Magazine, and a powerful spoken word artist (Subject to Change).

It was an amazing experience. Below are a few photos from the event!10383570_933857876651378_5438921309282195327_n12106998_933914449979054_4087926244591816805_n12074794_934072826629883_3251670561494009926_n



LBW Team

Dignity House – Dignity Art

Hey, I’m posting this because I need your help. God laid it on my heart (as the leader of Love Beyond Walls) to try to purchase a home to employ and house those we serve battling with homelessness. Would you donate $1 to our campaign and get 5-10 more people to donate $1? We need 22K people to give one dollar so we can purchase our first home to house the homeless. You can read the story and give by clicking the image below:



Producing Furniture & Art – Dignity Art

In the last two and a half weeks, we have produced 20 pieces of art out of reclaimed wood (giving dignity and work back to a man transitioning out of homelessness). His name is Bruce, and he is building back the pieces to his life (literally)!

This past weekend, we had a follower reach out and say that she wanted us to see if we could make her two end tables. Well, below is a picture of what we produced today (Bruce & Terence).

With the help of people donating wood and a few tools, we are creating art and helping a man find dignity through work through a program we are launching in the fall called Dignity Art. If you would like to get our program to design you a piece of art, email us at




DignityArt-Promo411907127_908530572517442_202580697196730209_nLBW Team

Love Beyond Walls – Partners with FIM Part II

We are only ten book bags away from resourcing our friends in India who are serving orphans. Check out this video sent to us by our dear friend Raj! Hit us up if you want to help us send love to children without any resources to start school this year…

LBW Team

Lives Changing – RaurFest2015!

Yesterday, we got a chance to set up our mobile unit in the heart of Downtown Atlanta at #raurfest2015, and serve the homeless population while a live concert was going on inside GA Freight Depot! We were able to complete 17 makeovers, and connect those that we served to resources they needed most.

Additionally, students from c5 & Usher’s New Look collected over 30 boxes of donations for those in need. Below are a few pictures from yesterday!11401488_885939391443227_4923298895248372687_n11168432_885953858108447_3873036795507818289_n



LBW Team

May 3-4 – Love Tour

On May 1st, we launched our “Love Tour” traveling to different counties providing makeovers to those in need… So far, we have made over 15 people, and have toured to two counties (Fulton & Cobb).

Today, we are headed to Clayton County to provide more #mobilemakeovers! We are excited. We have been able to change people’s lives and restore dignity with our closet, hygiene area, and barbershop.

Below are a few pictures USA Today mentioned on their site from the tour. If you would like to visit the mention, click [HERE]11113054_862252140478619_2474719777455102839_n



LBW Team