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You ever been under water in a swimming pool for a considerable amount of time, and all of a sudden you spring out of the water gasping for air? Well, that’s what today feels like…

It feels like I have literally been under water wearing this same outfit for 90 DAYS straight, and I can now prepare myself to get some air… Why compare having no oxygen to wearing the same outfit? Simple. Each day was a struggle, presented a new challenged, was filled with embarrassment, and became psychologically and emotionally taxing. There were many times I found myself wanting to quit, or break out in tears, or even spring out of the “water of shame” to get some air.

“AGAIN…..” I’d wake up and say to myself.

However, the focus of this journey wasn’t about me! It was to gain a clear understanding of what children who battle poverty fell…. It gave me deeper understanding of how children are impacted emotionally, socially, and even psychologically (those who lack resources). When a child has to endure poverty, shame, and even socially isolating circumstances, it becomes damaging to their self-picture. When a self-image is destroyed, it is hard for any type of hope or confidence to be present (especially in a classroom setting). That’s why I am really excited that our organization will be able to help a little! We are aiming to encourage both educators and students! #lovebeyondwalls will soon present uniforms to four schools we are partnering with to aid families and children.



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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  • Pop says:

    So proud of our Lord for giving you the strength and courage to endure these last 90 days. (And you too for going through this) Only time and heaven will reveal the true meaning of what has truly been accomplished in the hearts and souls of all the children that will be benefactors of your experiment.
    God Bless you Terence
    It has yet to be seen what one man fully committed to God can do to change the world. May you be that man.

    • Terence Lester says:

      Thanks so much for your words Pop! They mean a lot. Also, I am grateful to serve the Lord with ALL my heart… It is only God’s work. Love ya.

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