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I have made it through night number two… I cannot believe it. If fact, last night a few people brought me some Christmas lights and food.

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But,  I woke up around 4AM because the rain was beating against the tent that I am living in on top of the bus. Even as I write this there are raindrops making loud music in the background to my words. If I could be candid, I feel vulnerable, weak, inspired, expectant, and a number of other emotions. If you haven’t seen the bus set up, this is what it looks like when I’m on top of the bus…


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However, I am determined to take a stand for people who do not have a voice. I have gotten told several times to stop because this makes no sense… Well, it does for me and #lovebeyondwalls.

This morning, I am thinking of the multiple families we encountered this year where children are living in single parent households and are sometimes unkeemped because the parent(s) can’t afford a hair cut for their child(ren). I am doing it for the kids that have very few clothes and have to go to school and endure the shame and ridicule that keeps them from their lesson. I am doing it for the person who is temporarily homeless and has no way of keeping themselves groomed. I am doing it for the mother who is about to interview but needs a hairstyle and clothes to make her look presentable.

Whether you realize it or not, there are people who need their confidence built, esteem built, and have the proper support system needed to receive the dignity they deserve. It is like my friend from the community Darren said yesterday… “Sometimes having a makeover helps people not feel stereotyped, judged, and outcasted.”

Therefore, I will keep going the next twenty-eight nights on top of this bus to raise awareness about people/communities that need to be made over. It is our vision to see this bus transformed so we can serve the people I mentioned above. Not only are we passionate about this, we are hoping you will get behind us and support #mobilemakeovers too.


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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