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MAP16 – 10 Days Away

The official 10 DAY countdown to Marching Against Poverty 2016 campaign has begun.

In 10 days, we will walk from Atlanta to DC in hopes to provide a voice to the voiceless, share the stories of those who might otherwise go untold and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter, a safe haven and resource center for those in need. The send off will begin from the SCLC building in the heart of the city [30 yards from where Martin Luther King’s office used to be].

The send off will take place on August 20th at 10AM at this address [320 Auburn Ave. Atlanta, GA, 30303]

Get involved! Join us on the Journey!

Follow the conversation! #MAP16 #LoveBeyondWalls #LoveCenter
LBW Team

66 Days Away – MAP16

Have you ever been put out of a public space because you were homeless? Have you ever been denied water because of how you looked? Or, Have you ever needed water because your water was cut off due to a lack of resources? Well, we created a free water bin so those who wrestle with poverty can have access to bottles of water. Why? Because it is a human right! This is why we are going to attempt ‪#‎MAP16‬! We are 67 DAYS AWAY!

map16_waterbinLBW Team

Mobile Makeover Feature!

This week’s makeover feature’s Chago! Over the last month, not only has he learned how to operate a computer, but has set a goal to get his driver’s license for the first time in his life. Today, he decided to cut it all off, and get made over on the bus! Thank you to those of you who help us change lives literally. ‪13346782_1061474173889747_7481447851241287349_n
LBW Team

Chago Speaks From The Heart

We met Chago two years ago in the community, and we have been friends with him every since that moment. He is now he is one of our most committed community volunteers!

Not only has he vowed to participate in ‪#‎MAP16‬, but he wanted to share his heart on the camera for the first time in his life. ‪

LBW Team

87 Days Away – MAP16

We are currently 87 DAYS AWAY before we attempt ‪#‎MAP16‬! During this time, we hope to restore a voice to the many people who are marginalized and forgotten (stories over stats). ‪map16_StatesNoDots
LBW Team

MAP16 Video – Part I

Terence shares his heart about his concern for those who are suffering, and talks a little about why he is trying to lose 50 pounds for Love Beyond Walls next campaign. We are officially 90 DAYS AWAY from attempting #MAP16
LBW Team

Laundry Detergent – Revolution Church

We would like to give a huge shout out to the people of Revolution Church for donating over 12,000 loads worth of laundry detergent to us so vulnerable residents in the community can wash their clothes with dignity! ‪

With this detergent, we will be able to build solid relationships with those in the College Park, East Point, and Atlanta area.13138948_1042944265742738_937320987572732066_n

LBW Team

Solomon's Temple – Serving Women

Yesterday was special! Why? Because we got a chance to serve tons of women for Mother’s Day at Solomon’s Temple (A Homeless Shelter for Women). We partnered with several orgs and businesses to serve moms in transition, and remind them that they have worth and value even in the midst of transition.

With the help of Ultra Violet Nails, Reveal Mag US, & Woodward Academy not only were we able to raise over 300 Purpose Purses, but we were also able to stuff them with hygiene items.

Below are a few pictures from “Celebrate Her.”Purse LinePurse PoseBus - Solomon's Temple
LBW Team