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VIDEO RECAPS OF DAYS 20-22, 30, & 31

Below are the recap videos for DAYS 20-22, 30, & 31 for #MAP16! So far, Terence has marched over 300 miles and is almost at the VA border. Check out the videos below, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAYS 20-22 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 30 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 31 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

#MAP16 on USA Today & HumanKind

This morning, our campaign #MAP16 made national news on USA Today! If you’d like to read the story click [HERE]

Additionally, HumanKind produced an awesome video to accompany the article. Today, Terence just completed DAY 28 of #MAP16 – Check out the video below to see the progress. Thank you for your support and following the journey.

LBW Team


Below are the recap videos for DAYS 7-17 for #MAP16! So far, Terence has marched over 200 miles and is almost in North Carolina. Check out the videos below, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAY 8 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 12 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

MAP16 – Johnny Update from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

MAP16 – Abandoned Buildings & Houses from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 13 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

DAY 17 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team



  1. Start a conversation about poverty. You can download our five page curriculum on our website
  1. Change your social media icons to yellow. You can find the yellow avatar on our website
  1. Join in on the walk [Walk a mile or two or three]. You can view where the team is on journey on our website
  1. Come to the Send Off Event. You can RSVP on our Facebook page [lovebeyondwalls] under our events.
  1. Donate to our cause on our gofundme page []
  1. Raise items to help the team make the trip [gas cards, food gift cards, socks, water, or shoes].
  1. Share our story and videos on your social media pages.
  1. Sign up on our volunteer list on our website

LBW Team

MAP16 – 10 Days Away

The official 10 DAY countdown to Marching Against Poverty 2016 campaign has begun.

In 10 days, we will walk from Atlanta to DC in hopes to provide a voice to the voiceless, share the stories of those who might otherwise go untold and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter, a safe haven and resource center for those in need. The send off will begin from the SCLC building in the heart of the city [30 yards from where Martin Luther King’s office used to be].

The send off will take place on August 20th at 10AM at this address [320 Auburn Ave. Atlanta, GA, 30303]

Get involved! Join us on the Journey!

Follow the conversation! #MAP16 #LoveBeyondWalls #LoveCenter
LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Honored at SCLC

This past Saturday, our starters (Terence & Cecilia Lester) received a social advocacy award at the 58th National SCLC Convention for the work we do at Love Beyond Walls. The theme of the entire convention was centered around the memory and legacy of Martin Luther King’s “Poor People’s Campaign.”

It gave us great joy because in 25 days we will launch #MAP16 to give those who are suffering a voice. Get involved! Join us on the Journey!

Follow the conversation! #MAP16 #LoveBeyondWalls #LoveCenter13709895_10208801702031426_171280199834763287_n




LBW Team

Partner With Us For MAP16

Would your group, organization, church, or business like to partner with us for ‪#‎MAP16‬?

Shoot us a quick email to learn how you can help us raise awareness about poverty, and help us give those who are suffering a voice. Get involved! Join us on the Journey!
Follow the conversation! #MAP16 ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ ‪#‎LoveCentermap16_partnerNEW
LBW Team

Send Off – MAP16

On August, 20, 2016, founder, Terence Lester, will walk 648 miles from the Love Beyond Walls Headquarters in Atlanta, GA to the front door of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Do you want to show your support? Attend the send off and walk the first 6 miles with Terence and the team. Join this event at MAP16 Send Off on Facebook

Follow the conversation! ‪#‎MAP16‬ ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ ‪#‎LoveCenter‬

LBW Team

MAP16 Is Here – 30 Days Away!

Today Love Beyond Walls steps up to combat poverty!
The official countdown to Marching Against Poverty 2016 campaign has begun. In 30 days, we will walk from Atlanta to DC in hopes to provide a voice to the voiceless, share the stories of those who might otherwise go untold and raise resources to build our very own ‪#‎LoveCenter‬, a safe haven and resource center for those in need.
Get involved! Join us on the Journey! [] Follow the conversation! ‪#‎MAP16‬ ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ #LoveCenter

LBW Team