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The Countdown Begins (Day 49 NO EXCUSES)

This morning, I have to be honest… I asked myself & God, “Can I really do this?” “Can I really get prepared in 50 days?” 

I tried making excuses… “Maybe I can do something else…Or, maybe I can find somebody else to do this with me… Or, better yet… Maybe I can say it is too hard…”

Then I shook myself out of it, and gave myself what “kid president” calls, “A Pep Talk…people” 


Why did I ask these questions and make these excuses though? Because I looked at my weight on the scale yesterday, and surprisingly the scale revealed a shocking number that not only pained me, but revealed how unhealthy I have lived (in my eating habits) over the last few years. Are you ready? I weigh 260lbs (I need to lose 25-30lbs)… This is the most I have ever weighed in my life. Of course, I am big guy, but I am not comfortable with that.

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As a matter of fact, my “weight” number shocked me so much I dropped down on the floor and asked God to help me get my life healthier so I can be transformed personally, and physically prepare to raise awareness for my homeless friends. Isn’t it amazing that before we can fully help others we must be willing to transform ourselves?

I know we all make health commitments throughout the year, and soon break them with inconsistency. But, when I saw this something happened in me… I was reminded of how important my health is, and how important it is to remain healthy if you are homeless (living on the streets)…

When I was homeless for 72 hours, I encountered many people who had medical conditions that were life-threatening. In fact, many people revealed how those conditions increased when they started living on the streets with no resources.

I clenched my fist, looked at the scale and said… “I’ve got to change… I’ve got to beat this so I can raise more awareness for my friends…Lord, I can do all things through you… NO EXCUSES…”

Ever feel like you need supernatural strength to make it? Well, over the next 49 days that’s what I am going to rely on (God’s strength).

Yesterday was rough, but I found support…I reached out to an old friend that does personal training… His name is Lucien. We attended the same High School (Westlake), and it “just so happened” that he lives in the neighborhood across the street and runs “bootcamps” at parks. Without thinking, he told me he’d help me train to get the weight off for this big challenge that I am about to embark on in 49 days. I agreed and began exercising yesterday along with changing my eating habits (water only, and clean foods).

THIS IS HARD PEOPLE… I had two meetings in Chick-Fil-A yesterday. LOL.

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Can you do something to help? Yes! I need you to pray, hold me accountable via social media, and push me until I am ready to reveal #lovebeyondwalls‘ next challenge to raise awareness about one of many social ills we care so much about.



What To Do With 6K Socks?

So, a few have asked “What are you going to do with all those socks…?” 

Below is my answer…

For the next two Saturdays (Jan 11th & Jan 18th 8AM-10AM), we are going to mob out into the streets of Atlanta to pass out every sock that we collected this past Saturday (to our brothers and sisters who live on the streets). We are asking people to come out with us to join a few members on our team distribute these socks….

How will this be different? Simple. Our approach is different…

Instead of the normal passing out things and leaving, we want to encourage people who serve with us to discover stories, learn needs, and build relationships. A restorative work cannot happen if trust and a relationship is not established. Additionally, we are creating consistency among this important population, not events.

I envision #lovebeyondwalls being both a mobilization agency (of doers) but also a collaborative organization that partners with other groups and individuals who desire to make a difference in the world (not one time a year, but every single day).

If you’d like to serve with us the coming two Saturdays, hit us up [HERE] or shoot an email to the email on the flyer…




4K Socks & 1K To Go

So far, we have raised 4K socks over the course of six days. Generous donors from all over have banded together to bring support, resources, and encouragement for us to accomplish #project5K.

We have had people ship socks from all over (including four different states, and from one international country). Today is the last day to gather the last 1K socks, and am confident that #lovebeyondwalls will raise them.

Today, I’ll be at one of the drop off locations (Tees & Quotes) on Peters Street from 12noon-5pm.

If you’d like to support, drop-off at one of our [LOCATIONS], come see me today at Tees & Quotes, or [GIVE] on our site!


Rain, Socks, & 45 Degree Weather!

Right now,

It’s hard knowing that some of my friends who are homeless have on absolutely no socks during the winter! How do I know? Because I spoke to one the other day. Below is the picture I snapped yesterday outside (in 45 Degree Weather):

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People have asked me, “Why are you doing this…?”

Well, to be honest I CARE. It is just that simple.

I care that there are men and women who live downtown and have no place to go,

I care about the stories that I heard while sleeping under bridges, and

I care that it is tough to survive without the proper necessities.

I know I can’t save everyone (I’m no savior), but I can follow Jesus into the wild and show the compassion he showed. When I read the Bible, I’m ignited with the passion that Jesus had when he saw broken people in his palestinian context. There’s a verse that I love found in Matthew 9:36 (NASB). It says,

“Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.”

Two things stand out to me…First, he saw! Jesus saw the brokenness of the people, and he sympathized and empathized with their pain.

Secondly, he move. He stood up, and met all the needs he could… He befriended the broken, cared for those who were distressed, and loved the unloveable.

That’s our mission with #lovebeyondwalls! We want to build a #lovearmy that loves people where they are! NO MOTIVES, NO GIMMICKS!

With that being said, It is raining and many homeless people do not have on socks today! We are trying to raise 5K pairs of socks to resource our brothers and sisters with socks to aid them in their survival on the streets. You can view the story the story about why we are doing this [HERE]

Take socks two the two locations on the flyer below, or give to us on our [GIVE] page! Thanks for your continued support.





72 Hours & Last Pair of Socks

This morning, I am inspired to try to raise support for my friends in downtown Atlanta who are homeless. Why? It’s simple. When I gave up my life to live with them for three days, I purposely did not take anything. I wanted to wear their shoes first-hand and experience all that they experienced (AND I DID). While out there, my shoes and socks got wet because it rained one night.

It was horrible because it is winter time, and it made my feet feel like little popsicles (because of the strong winds). Could you imagine being in 30 degree weather without socks (or with wet socks)?

My homeless friend Tony saw my problem, went into his tent, and gave me his last pair of new socks someone donated to him. “How are you going to get some more socks?” I asked. He smiled and said, “I don’t know, I’ll figure something out.”

Did I mention that this same guy has HIV, and has not had medication in two months because his former state has not transferred his records (story for a later blog)? I shed tears with this brother, am inspired by this brother, and want to do all I can to get him and others socks and medication.

Not only was I humbled, but I was blown away at his genoristy, selflessness, and humility. It took courage to give out of nothingness, and even more courage to be strong for me when he said, “I am dying…”  

It reminds me of a parable by Jesus told in the scriptures (Luke 10) about the Good Samaritan who helped the man who fell on hard times (only I was the man who had fallen, and my homeless friend was the Samaritan).

Isn’t it amazing that we all have the potential to be Jesus to each other? Isn’t it amazing that we all have the power to be equals in Christ? My friend became Jesus to me as the Samaritan did the guy who had fallen.

With this being said, I need your help raising 5K pairs of socks. #lovebeyondwalls wants to provide socks for all of the men and women who may be on the streets right now with no socks in the winter time.

Here’s three simple ways you can help (we are calling this #project5K):

1) Call me (Terence) directly to meet you… My number is 404-955-8033

2) Give on this site, or

3) Drop socks off at either one of the locations found on the flyer below:

