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Right now,

It’s hard knowing that some of my friends who are homeless have on absolutely no socks during the winter! How do I know? Because I spoke to one the other day. Below is the picture I snapped yesterday outside (in 45 Degree Weather):

2013-12-31 12.52.49

People have asked me, “Why are you doing this…?”

Well, to be honest I CARE. It is just that simple.

I care that there are men and women who live downtown and have no place to go,

I care about the stories that I heard while sleeping under bridges, and

I care that it is tough to survive without the proper necessities.

I know I can’t save everyone (I’m no savior), but I can follow Jesus into the wild and show the compassion he showed. When I read the Bible, I’m ignited with the passion that Jesus had when he saw broken people in his palestinian context. There’s a verse that I love found in Matthew 9:36 (NASB). It says,

“Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.”

Two things stand out to me…First, he saw! Jesus saw the brokenness of the people, and he sympathized and empathized with their pain.

Secondly, he move. He stood up, and met all the needs he could… He befriended the broken, cared for those who were distressed, and loved the unloveable.

That’s our mission with #lovebeyondwalls! We want to build a #lovearmy that loves people where they are! NO MOTIVES, NO GIMMICKS!

With that being said, It is raining and many homeless people do not have on socks today! We are trying to raise 5K pairs of socks to resource our brothers and sisters with socks to aid them in their survival on the streets. You can view the story the story about why we are doing this [HERE]

Take socks two the two locations on the flyer below, or give to us on our [GIVE] page! Thanks for your continued support.





Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

More posts by Terence Lester

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