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Happy New Year 2017

We just wanted to take time to say thank you for supporting our work in 2016. This year alone, we reached millions of people digitally through our awareness campaign and resourced thousands of people with hope, connections, and basic need items locally and nationally.

We couldn’t have done any of this without your help and support!

Guess what else? We’ve started the editing process for our documentary film, and will give you updates as we progress this coming January.

We just wanted to say thank you and Happy New Year! 

If you’d like to make a year end contribution, support our work [HERE].

LBW Team



Day of Love & Christmas Deliveries

This past Saturday, we partnered with Revolution Church, CoveredBridge Church, Bronner Bros. & a well-known studio to serve many families for the Holidays.

We had over 50 volunteers loving on 250+ families in College Park. Not only did we serve them, but we prayed for tons of people who expressed their pains, hurts, and fears.

This coming Saturday, we are delivering the gifts collected for the families we adopted for Christmas.

Check out some of the pictures below!

If you’d like to make a year end contribution, support our work [HERE].




LBW Team

Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta & Pathways Magazine – A Movement of Doers!

“Love is a powerful force,” Terence explains. “God is love, and we are on a mission to take that love into places where there is darkness and hopelessness, despondency and all those different things keeping people in the cycle of being oppressed.”

Check out the story of those we help on @episcopalatl’s website to read our story! Or, simply click the picture below.15267660_1211007605603069_6122602230087936408_n

LBW Team


Atlanta Hawks Come To Love Beyond Walls

This past Friday, we got a chance to partner with Woodward Academy to serve hundreds of people for #FeedTheNeed.

Not only did we hang out with families to give them hope for the Holiday, but we had a wonderful surprise to take place.

The Atlanta Hawks came to our headquarters with “Harry the Hawk,” several representatives from the Hawks organization, and Kaiser to present our Executive Director [Terence] with an award [#TrueToAtlantaAward] for the #MAP16 journey. 

Additionally, the Hawks got a chance to hang out with the community and encourage them along with us.

Check out a few pictures below!














To give to our organization for your year end giving, click [HERE]

LBW Team

Official MAP16 Documentary Trailer & Poverty Panel

Yesterday, Johnny Taylor and I (Terence) got a chance to share a small piece of the #MAP16 journey with the public for the first time since we’ve been back from Washington, DC.

Additionally, we got a chance to share our “official” documentary trailer. Would you like to see it? Most of it was shot during the walk!

Hold on to your seats… It’s powerful.

Official March Against Poverty Documentary Trailer from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

Below are a couple of pictures:


If you’d like to contribute to our work to help us complete this feature film, visit

#lovebeyondwalls #lovecenter