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Day 17 – Give Love Away Challenge

Today is DAY 17 of the ‪#‎giveloveaway‬ challenge! We have 12 more days to go! Today is special because we are challenging our followers to forgive someone that has wronged them in the past. This may be the most important challenge yet simply because we cannot move forward in life until we let go of hurt. FOGIVE! ‪


LBW Team

Flint Interview Update – Love Beyond Walls

Terence interviews Pastor Daniel Moore (Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church) about some of the problems faced on the ground in Flint, MI.

Pastor Daniel shares the urgency and severity of the water crisis, and talks about what the water meant when we dropped it off this week. He also talks about the hand sanitizer need, and why it is important.

Check out the video below –

LBW Team

Second Trip to Flint – Love Beyond Walls

This past week,

We’ve had many organizations and people donate tons of water to our second trip going to Flint, Michigan (from Bank of America to Plato’s Closet).

We are pulling out tomorrow morning, and will arrive tomorrow around midnight in Flint. Once we arrive, we’ll get rest and head out to serve an apartment complex along side Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church the very next morning. We are going there again because we’ve heard that many people have gotten very small amounts of water since the crisis surfaced.

Below are a few volunteers loading the truck that will depart tomorrow.


LBW Team

Water for Flint!

This week, we made a special connection with a local pastor in Flint (Shiloh Baptist Church), and have vowed to work with him in serving the elderly that have yet to be served by major agencies.

In act, he stated that “The need was great still.”

We’ve partnered with the CoalitionDJs and a couple churches to raise water to transport this Wednesday. In fact, we can’t wait to take love to Flint! We are still collecting until Wednesday if you’d like to give water.


LBW Team

Atlanta Journal Constitution & Love Beyond Walls

This morning, we are extremely grateful. We had an another opportunity to be included in an article produced by Devika Rao in the AJC. It is our desire to continue serving more communities, under resourced families, and  homeless men, women, and children in 2016.

To check out the article, click the image below.

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Dignity House – Dignity Art

Hey, I’m posting this because I need your help. God laid it on my heart (as the leader of Love Beyond Walls) to try to purchase a home to employ and house those we serve battling with homelessness. Would you donate $1 to our campaign and get 5-10 more people to donate $1? We need 22K people to give one dollar so we can purchase our first home to house the homeless. You can read the story and give by clicking the image below:

