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Every now and again, God does something truly amazing and literally leaves you speechless! You know what I mean… It’s the feeling you get when you don’t know how something is going to happen, and then God provides! Well, that’s sort of what happened with our office space. Back in February, we were introduced to the space and approved for it in March, and planned to move in during the month of April… Well, there were tons of things that needed done (structurally) and completed to make the office space user ready…






Well, God not only provided the resources to get it together, but he sent a couple (husband and wife team) who committed themselves to serving and utilizing their “renovation” experience/knowledge to help us transform the space into a space that will be friendly to the community.

To this day, I am scratching my head about how God connected us, and how involved they are in the work….Not only are we grateful for them, they have become like family.

Below is a before and after shot of the lobby that shows the transformation that’s starting to happen… The office is starting to come together:














Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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