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In the entire month of March, we collected shoes from hundreds of people across the state of GA, and from some people who live out of State.

It was an amazing month! Why? Because we collected over 5K shoes, and were able to resource over a thousand individuals with their correct sizes. Why? Because generous, selfless, and kind strangers gave we were able to meet particle needs and minister to the homeless population in ATL.

Here is a picture of a gentlemen we met that had on five pair of socks just to fit shoes that were not his size. The beauty in this picture is found in the fact that he received dignity from a total stranger that sacrificed their shoes for him.


So, “What’s next?” you might be asking… I’m glad you asked.

The entire month of April, #lovebeyondwalls is getting planted in our office/storage space. Why? Because we have a vision to connect & resource many other organizations with items, serve more people, and build relationally with many under-resourced people and lead them on a life-changing relationship with God.

It’s a pretty huge vision, but it will happen one step at a time. And, the first step is getting planted. Therefore, we are literally planting “LOVE” in our city.

I cannot believe tomorrow marks a historical month for our “young” organization. It is commonly known as “April Fool’s Day” to many, but to us it is a reminder that “God takes the foolish things to confound the wise…”

It is a reminder that God is using us to do God’s work to help restore lives and reach people! We ask you to do two things:

1) We ask that you view our simple “wish list,” and help us rally items on it so we can get planted in the city of ATL, and

2) We ask that you continue to pray for our efforts!


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

More posts by Terence Lester

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