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The Countdown Begins (DAY 18 God uses failure!)

Have you ever failed at something?

I mean really failed to the point where you become paralyzed, numb, question your dreams, God’s purpose for your life, and if you’ll ever gain traction again?

I have.

In fact, this happened at the beginning of last year! 2013 was a really hard year for me and a lot of other people (not dwelling in the past at all)…It was so rough, I thought I was a failure. One of my dreams collapsed right in front of my eyes! It was tough, and horrible at the same time. But what I was counting as a failure, God was using as the moment to prepare us for #lovebeyondwalls!

That’s why I love the passage written in Romans where the writer professes that, “All things work together for good to those who love God…” Wait, when you fail, you fail right? Wrong. When I reflect on where we are today (one year later), I can’t help but say “failure is a liar… failure can be used… God has the last say!” 

Failure will make you think you should quit, throw in the towel, bury your dream(s), and grab your bat and ball and go home! In fact, if you feel like you are failing, it is the perfect place for you… Why? Because when all is stripped away, there is an opportunity for something new to be born in and through you!

The three top things I have learned from failing forward are:

1) Failure is not fatal — Just because you failed at something does not mean it is over… It means that you have gained more experience and insight for your next assignment. Once you think failure is fatal, you’ll give up completely. That’s not an option because “life goes on…”

2) Failure should not be worshipped — There is always a temptation to hang your head for a long period of time, have a “woe is me attitude,” and become a victim. When we assume this posture, we worship what has happened to us, and forfeit the opportunity to see what is happening in us. No bad event deserves that much attention.

3) Failure has oppotunities inside of them — If we are wise, we can glean insights into what we should be doing, how we should grow, or who we are to become through our failures. Every failure or experience can lead you to a clue of what’s next in your life. Although tough, failure has tremendous opportunities imbedded in it.

Watch the video below! It is another piece to the LBW story and how failure was used to help start this organization!

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The Countdown Begins (DAYS 20 & 19 No Looking Back)

This morning is bittersweet (4AM)! I am rejoicing, but am still very much reflective about the realities of how much work building an organization takes. LOL. It takes work people…

Why bittersweet? Because I am on day 4 of my juicing, 19 days away from walking #30miles, and it is extremely hard. I have put in almost 31 DAYS so far to transform my health in order to walk to raise awareness for those who are forgotten.

In fact, I am reflecting on a well-known passage in 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV) “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Strength is made perfect in weakness.”  It has taken focus, accountability, and being honest (God’s strength).

I have tons of days to go on my juicing, a little more “mile prep” to endure, and am praying almost every second. Additionally, I had a few challenges last week that were real, eye opening, and made me rethink some things!

You know… the type of challenge that makes you think about entering back into your comfort zone? Or, the type of challenge that is both unexpected, and catches you totally off guard and whispers “LOOK BACK!”

If you are alive, you can relate. In fact, it seems like challenges (or bumps in the road) come when you are moving forward, and have a desire to overcome. Have you been there? Have you tried to move forward, and something unexpected tried to knock you back? If so, I can relate and want to encourage you to count your wins, not your losses.

Now the sweet part…

Yesterday, my team and I got  a chance to interview at West Ridge Church and share the story of #lovebeyondwalls!

2014-02-09 11.21.12

The cool thing that really inspired me NOT TO LOOK BACK (even when faced with unexpected challenges) was Robert. Who is Robert? You may remember my homeless friend from a previous blog. I met him under the bridge when I was homeless for three days… Robert attended worship with us, and looks lot better. Is he fully changed? No. But, we are taking small steps forward with him (and, most importantly building a relationship (not giving hand outs).

I have kept in touch with him for almost three months, and we are working hard to give him responsibilities to restore dignity back to him. Below is the before and after picture:

2014-02-09 12.35.27

Also, later that evening we visited Relevant Church and found out that this church (pastored by Carl Nichols) had a “LOVEKIT” party and raised 289 “LOVEKITS” for us to distribute this coming Saturday (15th).

Here is that picture:

2014-02-09 17.16.37

Here’s the bottom line, when challenges come they will try to break your focus, but you must have a resolve in your heart not to look back.



30 Mile Video (The Journey)!

Have you ever seen what 30 miles looks like in a video? Here it is… This is the journey ahead of us…#lovebeyondwalls

[embedplusvideo height=”600″ width=”600″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=-3cjbPtPvxo&width=600&height=600&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2014″ /]


The Countdown Begins (29 DAYS LEFT – Four Reasons to Walk)

Yesterday, I received a few emails from people asking me, “Why are you walking so far for homelessness?” or “Can I walk with you?” Well, you’ll find my answer in the four points and picture below:

 1) I am walking because I believe the voiceless often times go unheard — There are many people who have hit rock bottom, and have had a hard time recovering from that low place. You’ll never hear their stories, or see them on the news. Nonetheless, their stories MATTER (no matter where they are, or what happened). Therefore, #lovebeyondwalls would like to sacrifice our time and energy to do something that will uplift them.

Maybe you can relate with being voiceless… I know many of us who were trapped in cars the other day for hours and hours can relate.

2) I am walking because of my homeless friends under the I-20 75/85 bridge — There are many that I have befriended under that bridge. In fact, they call me every other day, and I truly care about them. Of course I don’t have tons of resources to pull them off the streets (yet), but I listen to them, know their stories, shed tears with them, model Christ to them, and consider them people that God loves dearly. And, if God loves them, I am going to love them too… Hopefully, my walking will inspire someone to come along side #lovebeyondwalls, and help restore “some” that want to be restored.

3) I am walking to teach people what I’ve learnedWhile homeless around Christmas time, I learned five lessons from walking in the shoes of the homeless. And, I would like to share those lessons. One of the lessons has to do with walking. When you are homeless, there is non-stop physical movement… especially during the winter months! Without the ability to walk, you could stay somehwere and literally die (if you don’t have that ability or support).

Do all people who are homeless have to walk? No. However, many people who stay on the streets do…

4) I am walking because of the picture below — Below is a picture of one of my homeless friends that uses socks for shoes. Have you ever walked miles in socks? I haven’t either. Therefore, not only am I walking to raise awareness, restore dignity, and mobilize people — I am walking to help some people get simple things like shoes to survive and live.

Short answer, YES people will join in at various points to walk… That information will come in later blogs…

Until then, continue to pray our strength as we prepare to make this journey…

2014-01-25 10.30.55


The Countdown Begins (DAYS 32 & 31 STRANDED)

Yesterday, I experienced one of the longest days of my life (in a car)…

I was stuck in traffic, ice, and a snow storm for more than 14+ hours. I ran out of gas, had to be pulled out of a ditch, and drove on the wrong side of the road at 1 mile per hour to get home around almost 2AM in the morning (I had been in traffic since 10:30AM the day before).

However, two miracles got me home… Firstly, a nice older man gave me gas after running out sitting in traffic six hours in Douglasville. This same old man pulled my car out of a ditch and led me to the gas station in his truck so I could fill up again. From there, he led me all the way from Douglasville to Fairburn Rd where he wished me luck to get home.

After traveling some distance, I arrived on Camp Creek Parkway where I sat another seven to eight hours… All of a sudden, a random truck driver approached me vehicle and said, “I want to help you get unstuck…”

He suggested that I drive up the wrong way to get home… I was hesitant, but persisted to do so, and to my surprise was able to bypass tons of cars, and traffic. I saw cars in ditches, 18 wheelers flipped over, tons of ice, people crying and walking, and several trucks and cars stalled. It was a horrible sight.

However, I was able to maneuver through it all (while sliding) hoping to make it home. After 14+ hours, I made it home. I can’t tell you how, but I can tell you that I was exhausted, hungry, tired, and overwhelmed. By God’s grace I made it.

After experiencing that yesterday, and hearing all of the horrible stories around the city of Atlanta, I am more than pumped to continue journeying toward #lovebeyondwalls second campaign… Why? Because it is almost parallel with what the city experienced. We will release it this Friday…


Snippet Interview @ Relevant Church

Below is a snippet from the interview at Relevant Church… Pastor Carl asked me to give closing remarks about this tweet:

2013-12-24 16.58.17

Below is the snippet…


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Destroy Walls, Embrace Diversity!

Growing up (from childhood until late teens), I was only in direct contact with a predominately African American context! All my schools, social outings, churches, sports, and any other activities were always around peers that looked like me… In fact, I wasn’t exposed to REAL diverse relationships until my mid twenties (sad to say).

Was anything wrong with the way I was reared? No. It was natural, and the area where my family lived reflected my race, culture, history, and background. However, I believe growing up without REAL diversity can impair you a little (no matter what race you are). A lack of diversity does two horrible things:

1) It creates stereotypes about other races – Stereotypes and negative imagery creates a negative lens through which people are seen. Of course, cultures are different (ALL SHOULD BE RESPECTED), but negative prejudices, stereotypes, and assumptions can cause people to not see the beauty in all cultures. The sad thing about stereotypes is that most of them could be totally FALSE (you have to get to know people for yourself).

2) It creates distance between cultures & races – When stereotypes are formed, it accompanies opinions, judgement, dehumanization, and ultimately distance. It saddens me that segregation still happens more than intergration on Sunday mornings in the South. In fact, the horrible thing about distance is that it causes coldness, numbness, and a lack of sympathy and respect for other cultures.

Why does this bother me? Because I love diversity and am an advocate for reconciliation. Of course, there is a negative history that haunts us all, but I believe love is greater and will be the only way to bridge the gap in the present. I didn’t grow up with much diversity, but have a heart to bridge the gap between races & cultures.

Will this be easy? NO! But, I can model and reflect it as much as I can in my own life (I’m learning too)…

That’s why “diversity” is a core value of #lovebeyondwalls. It is important for us to accept, embrace, and respect people from all walks of life. Everybody has a story!

I was recently asked, “Why did you choose the name #lovebeyondwalls?” And my response was simple,

“At any given point, political, race, class, religious, and cultural walls can separate us all… Keeping us from solutions to problems, togetherness, and the main focus, LOVE! In fact, I believe God’s love is the only thing that can roam pass those walls and reach people where they are with the good news.”

This morning, I am joining my brother Carl Nichols (pastor of Relevant Church), to discuss my homeless journey, but more importantly to reflect a diverse picture of God’s larger family. As we interview to talk about God’s mission, we are indirectly destroying walls that exists between cultures & races (especially as it pertains to the church world).

Our coming together shows two ways to close the gap on the distance,

1) Come together. The first way to destroy walls is to take a step toward reconciliation and toward a conversation.

2) Partnering. By partnering you get a chance to work along side each other and understand each other’s background, story, history, and how each person sees the world.

I am excited because the earth is a Mosaic full of cultures, and so is the God we serve! I am grateful for the diverse relationships God has given me in my life. Here’s a thought, “Destroy Walls, Embrace Diversity…”

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