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Yesterday, I posted a picture of the progress that I have been able to make with my weight! Looking at the before and after picture has given me encouragement to keep going! I started out in an earlier [BLOG] explaining my unhealthy eating, weight gain, and need to transform myself to walk thirty miles on behalf of homelessness.

People asked, “What have you done to lose the weight?” and my response was simple, “Eat better, training, and walking…I have found out that 80% of weight loss is changing your eating patterns”

Well, it has been an amazing/hard journey so far, but I can see progress! It is my hope that #lovebeyondwalls is able to shed light on a sensitive issue that is near and dear to my heart.

Below is the picture


2014-02-11 13.40.57

Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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