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25 Days Away – Volunteer

We are just 25 days away from launching our film at the Center for Civil & Human Rights.

We’re looking for 15 volunteers who want to serve with our team on this special day!

If you’re interested in helping out, go to to sign up or click the graphic below.

Volunteer slots are limited.



































LBW Team

32 Days Away!

We are officially 32 DAYS AWAY from launching our “Voiceless” documentary at The Center For Civil & Human Rights.

We have officially completed a workbook that will accompany the documentary to help people process the content and take next steps to get involved in their local communities.

Below is a sneak peek of the workbook! People will be able to use this in a small-group setting and find ways to mobilize and take action.

Notice People – Voiceless from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Atlanta’s First Mobile Shelter – Mobile Stay

Earlier this year, we started using creative housing to get people experiencing homelessness off the streets.

We’ve learned a lot about how hard it is to find a place to stay if you miss the cut-off time for a shelter. Therefore, we started telling this story about excess. In this country, we have so much excess, but we have yet to tap into this excess to solve “real time” problems.

A few months back, a generous family reached out to us and donated this brand new RV (equipped with a shower, a restroom, and living space).

They took their excess and said, “We want to see it help people…”

Therefore, we’ve decided to launch Atlanta’s first Mobile Shelter. It’s called Mobile Stay, and we are less than a month away from giving stays to those who have no safety net.

To give to our mission, visit

C.R. Snippet – Voiceless

Have you ever felt unheard?
Have you ever felt unseen?
Have you ever felt voiceless?

Every single day, millions of people experiencing homelessness and poverty like C.R. feel like their stories don’t matter.

On August 25, 2017, Love Beyond Walls will partner with The Center for Civil and Human Rights​ to screen our first feature length film “Voiceless” to give a voice to the voiceless.

Why? Because they matter and so do their stories!

To learn more, visit

C.R. Snippet – Voiceless from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

#voicelessfilm #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

The Wait is Over – You’re Invited!!!

On August 25, 2017, Join Love Beyond Walls and The Center for Civil and Human Rights for an evening screening of “Voiceless.”

This heartfelt film captures the 648 mile journey of the Love Beyond Walls Executive Director, Terence Lester, as he trekked from Atlanta, G.A. to Washington, D.C. to provide a voice to those facing systematic poverty.

If you have a heart for those experiencing homelessness and poverty, this film is for you.

To claim your free ticket, visit

Seats are limited.


LBW Team

Voiceless Documentary Pre-Screening Testimonials

Earlier this week, we pre-screened our “Voiceless” documentary to a group of youth (and their leaders) that traveled from Orlando, FL to serve the community with us. Brace yourselves! Their responses were raw, honest, and inspiring. We can’t wait to reveal the film to the public in August.

To learn more, visit

Voiceless – Testimonials from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Editor [Johnny Taylor] – Voiceless

After taking a journey through five states, we were able to learn more about how poverty affects people across the U.S.

In this short video, Johnny Taylor gives insight as to who this film is for and who will relate after watching the footage.

Johnny serves as one of the editors of the “Voiceless” film. To learn more, visit

Editor [Johnny Taylor] – Voiceless from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Voiceless Poetry Piece by Subject 2 Change

Check out this original spoken word piece that was written by Derrick Bailey for our upcoming documentary on systemic poverty. This is the first feature length film our organization will put out to give those wrestling with poverty a voice in the U.S.

The name of our film is called, “Voiceless” – If you like this piece, share it or visit