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Eugene Speaks – Love Sinks In

We met Eugene underneath a bridge for the #LoveSinksIn campaign.

“You don’t know if you’re going to live in the next minute…the next hour…you don’t know.”

We’re grateful to have met Eugene, and are currently working with him to help him recover his ID and housing.

LBW Team

#GivingTuesdayNow & Love Beyond Walls


During this difficult time, Love Beyond Walls is continuing to work to meet the basic needs of people experiencing homelessness during COVID-19. In the last six weeks, our #LoveSinksIn campaign has served thousands of people experiencing homelessness across multiple states.

At a time when we are all experiencing this unprecedented pandemic in different ways, generosity and service to each other, is what brings us together. 

Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others. Will you join us in making a difference in our community for #GivingTuesdayNow?

Here are some ways you can join our efforts:

Make a donation so that we can continue working to support more people on the streets.

Sponsor a sink for our #LoveSinksIn campaign.

Spread the word to your friends, family, and colleagues about why Love Beyond Walls is important to you.

Don’t forget to tag @LoveBeyondWalls!

LBW Team

Handwashing Stations in Ohio & Texas

This week, we partnered with a shelter and the YMCA in Columbus, OH to serve women and children with handwashing stations.

Additionally, we planted the first round of stations in Austin, Texas in partnership with Hope Community Church Austin & The Immigration Coalition.

The beginning of next week, we are planting stations in New York and New Jersey to work with teams on the ground to serve people experiencing homelessness.

Thank you to those of you that support our work. We are working to take handwashing across America.

LBW Team

PPE for Essential Workers

Great news! We just forged a partnership with a logistics company here in Atlanta that is going to help us secure KN95 non-medical masks to distribute to people experiencing homelessness and essential workers on the frontlines.

Next week, we should be getting a couple thousand to start helping to protect people.

The CDC has mandated that every single person wears a mask!

Details to follow.

LBW Team

Frontline Volunteering + Handwashing

Today, we celebrate volunteers like Taye that help us maintain the cleanliness of the Handwashing Stations in one of our locations. He selflessly volunteers weekly to ensure stations are sanitized for the community that we love.

Taye, we salute your service!

LBW Team

Progress! Progress! Progress!

In one week, we have raised 30 sinks for our “Love Sinks In” campaign. Our goal is to install 100 sinks around the city.

Could you help us make this happen? 

It costs about $100 dollars to assemble this important station. This could literally save lives.

Our work with this campaign will not be finished until we have successfully installed wash stations in the highest homeless traffic areas across this nation. I always say, service isn’t an event; it’s a lifestyle.

So, there is still much work to be done. We are challenging mayors and cities to help us address an invisible population.

What we are doing now, is giving homeless people access to soap and water; which is a basic human right. We hope to have 10 cities agree to join us in this initiative in the next 45 days.

Over the next 2-3 months, we plan to raise more and keep planting sinks to give people experiencing homelessness protection.

Check out the video below of how this all started!


Planted Stations + LBW Partners with Lecrae

Yesterday, we partnered with Lecrae and a few volunteers to assemble portable handwashing stations to plant them in Atlanta.

Immediately, people started washing their hands and expressed gratitude for this opportunity they haven’t been given. Since handwashing is a requirement, this is our small effort to protect people experiencing homelessness.

Thank you to those of you that donated. This has made national news and people have reached out from around the country to do similar efforts. We have raised enough to create 20 more stations.

It costs about $100 dollars to build these, you can give by clicking [HERE]! We are going to start shipping these across the country. This could literally save lives.


Built First Handwashing Station

Every single day for the last eight days, we have thought of ways to get water to people living on the streets during this crisis, and we found a way to build and assemble portable handwashing stations that hold up to 10 gallons of water.

This week, we are starting to plant these around the city for people who will be on the streets the entire length of the shutdown (regardless of spaces being open).

Every news report we’ve read said that we must wash our hands, but what does this mean for people experiencing homelessness?

What happens when you have no access to water, restaurants won’t allow you to come into them, and people already overlook you every single day—you become more prone to catch the #CONVID-19 virus.

Call me (Terence) whatever you’d like but @lovebeyondwalls is on the move with extreme caution with a few friends and partners. Video to follow.

It costs about $100 dollars to build these, you can give by clicking the link in our bio and clicking “handwashing stations donation”


Handwashing Stations

We took this picture of Daniel’s hands!

Every news report we’ve read said that we must wash our hands, but what does this mean for people experiencing homelessness?

What happens when you have no access to water, restaurants won’t allow you to come into them, and people already overlook you every single day—you become more prone to catch the #CONVID-19 virus.

People experiencing homelessness have been wrestling with social distancing way before this virus, and we plan to respond in a very basic way.

This week we’re partnering with with a few cool people to ensure our friends have constant access to water by setting up handwashing stations around the city.

Each station will cost about $100 build to dispense soap & water (and they will be self-contained). If you would like to contribute anything to this project click the button below.

We will keep you posted as we seek to build these so people who choose to remain in encampments will have access to basic water and soap.

Our goal is 20 stations! Thanks so much!


Chilly + Be Kind

“My name is Chilly. I’ve been in the hospital for three months. I just got out and have been living on the streets since I don’t have enough money to get home to my wife.”

“I’ve had people say all kinds of mean things to me. Some people will just say they got nothing for me, but one guy pulled a pistol on me and told me to get away from his car. But it’s ok, cause there’s always some good people out there.”

“My wife is my everything. She’s what keeps me going out her. Herand God. She had a stroke so she depends on me to take care of her. I’m just trying to get back to her.”

We were able to get Chilly the funds to get home to his wife. But he reminded us how easy it is to end up on the streets because of a medical emergency. Be kind to people, because you never know when it could be you on the other end of your words.

LBW Team