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Chilly + Be Kind

By March 13, 2020No Comments

“My name is Chilly. I’ve been in the hospital for three months. I just got out and have been living on the streets since I don’t have enough money to get home to my wife.”

“I’ve had people say all kinds of mean things to me. Some people will just say they got nothing for me, but one guy pulled a pistol on me and told me to get away from his car. But it’s ok, cause there’s always some good people out there.”

“My wife is my everything. She’s what keeps me going out her. Herand God. She had a stroke so she depends on me to take care of her. I’m just trying to get back to her.”

We were able to get Chilly the funds to get home to his wife. But he reminded us how easy it is to end up on the streets because of a medical emergency. Be kind to people, because you never know when it could be you on the other end of your words.

LBW Team

Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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