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Yesterday was was both hard and emotional… Not only did it rain and pour down, but our team encountered many homeless people who literally were standing out in the rain without shelter (getting soaked)… Their clothes were wet, and we even encountered some who did not have on shoes (just socks and flip-flops). It was hard seeing God’s people without safety, refuge, or hope.2014-01-11 08.35.02-1


That’s why when we go out, we try to listen to stories, get to know people, and restore dignity back to what some would classify as “invisble people.” Although hard, it gives me hope knowing that God can use #lovebeyondwalls to pray for people, and love on them right where they are…2014-01-11 09.41.25-1

Also, my wife and one of our teammates went into a shelter yesterday and saw over 60 kids, and many mothers who were with very few resources… My wife said,

“When we walked in… it was like nothing I had even seen before… kids sitting there under-dressed, and mothers hoping that someone would bring their children some food and clothing…It broke my heart…We have got to keep raising awareness”

This alone is enough for me to remain FOCUSED and continue this journey toward our second campaign to raise awareness (I can’t wait to share what it is…)

Thinking about yesterday… I guess I’m filled with compassion right now… I want the world to know that there are many redeemable stories and people… I want the world to hear those who go unheard… I want God’s people to have a sense of dignity restored back to them!

Not only has reflecting on stories above ignited something in me, my homeless friend Tony ignited something in me when I was able to pay him back 100 pairs of socks for him giving me his last pair of socks the first night I went homeless. Below is a picture of my friend and I…2014-01-11 09.32.33-1

I ask that you pray for #lovebeyondwalls, for me as I continue to prepare myself for this next awareness campaign, and for people to join in our on next campaign to raise awareness.


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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