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Recently, LEGOLAND reached out to us to do a drive for our “LOVEKIT…” campaign.  In fact, they are doing a DRIVE for #lovebeyondwalls to help us reach our goal of 300 hygiene kits for the homeless in ATL. Read an earlier blog [HERE] about why we are doing this drive.

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Below is the verbiage they have placed on their site,

“We’re having a hygiene drive for Love Beyond Walls throughout the month of February! Donate 10 items to receive a special offer!

LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Atlanta will be having a hygiene drive for Love Beyond Walls Organization throughout the month of February! Bring 10 hygiene items for a special discount offer!

We are so happy to be working with Love Beyond Walls Organization this February”

Click the image below and it will take you directly to the offer! Thanks for your support.




The Countdown Begins (DAY 33 STRUGGLE)

Yesterday was my hardest day! I left them gym, and thought to myself is this even possible? “Can I really lose 25 more lbs…?”

My old schoolmate Cooper suggested, “You can if you keep going…” Cooper is a new personal trainer who decided to train me after my last trainer dropped out due to schedule conflicts.

Now I’m 33 DAYS out and wonder if this is possible… I literally had to reflect on Jesus’ life when he was in the “Garden of Gethsemane…” His disciples were sleep, and he was thinking about what was about to happen to his life… Jesus prays, and asks God to take the cup, but ended up saying an incredible and encouraging statement in the face of a Roman scourging and crucifixion… Jesus says,

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42, NIV).”

Jesus did two things that are encouraging in the midst of tension! Firstly, he acknowledged the “cup” or hardship. Jesus had a healthy reality of what was before him, which gave him the proper strength to ask God for help…Having this perspective helps one to not live in denial about what has to be faced.

Secondly, Jesus asked. Although this did not remove the “cup” Jesus’ journey, Jesus asked. Sometimes asking helps us to accept and weigh what we are being called to do… Jesus gained strength from what he felt God was calling him to do.

I believe God is calling #lovebeyondwalls to raise awareness about homelessness on this daring journey! In fact, we will need God’s strength to continue. Today, I am reflecting on this scripture…

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13, NIV).

Below is a short video before we release the second campaign…

[embedplusvideo height=”500″ width=”500″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Tpe8lGRxzgM&width=500&height=500&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep9715″ /]


The Countdown Begins (DAY 34 FOR THE VOICELESS)

Below is a picture of me and my brother (Rahkeem)… These reason why I post this picture is because I truly believe in this young man. Currently, he lives under the bridge with his mother, and is only 19 years old. I make it my goal to spend time with him once or twice a week.

Why? Because I am building a relationship with him, and hope to grow #lovebeyondwalls enough to remove him from the streets. Yesterday, he read a poem/rap to me that he wrote for us… It went something like this, “Been struggle since I was thirteen seeing homelessness for me…”

He is only a kid, and still has so much future ahead of him! However, he is voiceless! This must end… I am going to sacrifice my life a little this year to make sure that people like Rahkeem and others get help, or at least be heard.

There are three ways we are planning on helping this young man, and his wife. I ask that you keep us in your prayers as we make preparations to do so in months to come. I consider this young man not only a friend, but a younger brother that needs a “hand up” not a “hand out…”

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3 Days & 27 Degrees

Last night… I tossed, turned, and could not get any sleep! Why? Simple. The temperature dropped down to 27 degrees last night… In fact, I walked out to the truck, and it said “ICE” on the dashboard. The very thought that I’ll be in shelters, outside, and roaming the streets during my homeless journey is becoming more of a reality!

Don’t believe me about the temperature, check out google’s thoughts at 5 AM this morning,

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This week has been taxing already (working tons of hours, working on this organization, and trying to prepare my mind for this journey). I have been praying, talking to folks, and frequently visiting spots in Atlanta where some of my homeless friends sleep to keep my mind focused and stay encouraged.

Even with all that, I still felt like pulling the plug at various times.  BUT, I have made up my mind to persevere!  I am determined to keep going forward regardless what the weather, circumstances, or anything else has to say…

Where is this perserverance coming from? I’m glad you asked. It comes from three specific places:

1) Calling. I believe deep within my soul that God has not only called me to live for God, but has also called me to reach, uplift, and inspire people to Trust God and live their lives fearless! The most frustrating place in life is being in a place where you don’t get a chance to do or be who you were created to be… There is no life in that at all. And guess what, we only have ONE life to live!

2) My family. My wife & kids are the closest thing to me (literally). My wife is my number one supporter, and my children are very close to me. Every day I have come home from a long days work (leading up to this). Their smiles, words, and belief in me fuels me to keep going. My wife @cecilialester literally told me last night, “This is what you are created to do, and regardless of where this leads…I believe in you…Keep going!”

You can’t go wrong with support like that!

3) A Book. Noooooooo…. not the Bible (although I do read it, and am a believer). But a book I came across some time ago called, One Month To Live by Kerry & Chris Shook. The premise of the book is life-changing! It focuses on the fragelty of life, and pushes the reader to think about the limited time (we ALL have) on earth. One quote in particualar that has pushed me this week is this,

“Your time on earth is limited… No matter how much this idea makes you squirm, it’s a fact. No matter who you are, how young or old, what measure of success you’ve attained, or where you live, morality remains the great equalizer. With each tick of the clock, a moment of your life is behind you. Even as you read this paragraph, seconds passed that you can never regain. Your days are numbered, and each one that passes is gone forever.”

The authors then go on to say that when we pass away (or die), the dash on our tombstones will represent what we did one earth while alive. With that being said, I keep asking myself, “Terence, what will be your dash?” “Will you live an average life, or will you live to help others live?”

These words alone are life-changing, and why I am perservering with the homeless journey and launching #lovebeyondwalls Jan 1, 2014.  I want to literally start a movement of people who come together to serve communities, people, and model what Christ modeled in the scriptures. I want to raise awareness about an epidemic that is near and dear to my heart! I believe the greatest sermons happen when you live your faith…not preach it. 

But, let me ask you a few questions…

Now that you know the clock is ticking, what will you try? What will you pick back up? What will you do to make the world better? How will you restore your relationship with God? How will you persevere?

Why do I ask? Simple. Because as you continue living, you’ll find out quickly that the greatest things in life are often forfeited for things that don’t matter at all. I refuse to live that way anymore! I am three days away from doing the most daring thing I have ever attempted, and I need your prayers, support, and for your to spread this mission!




The Silent Uniform Crisis!

Over the last few years, I (Terence) have done extensive work in urban, inner city, Title 1 school settings. Not to pat myself on the back, but because often times these schools have tremendous need (whether educational, social, physiological, etc). And, sometimes the funding that is received by these schools (Title 1) are not enough to meet every academic and social need its community may have.

Recently, I discovered a “silent” epidemic that hasn’t gotten much attention! The epidemic is simply this–there are some students who attend schools (K-5) either improperly dressed, under-dressed, or wearing the same attire 3-4 times a week. This happens when a family does not have the resources to purchase new uniforms, clothes, or does not have the resourceful connections to provide for their children.

Guess what? When this happens, the child suffers, is sometimes embarrassed, lacks confidence, and disconnects with the lesson. Next year, our organization (#lovebeyondwalls) is going to put on a social campaign to resource schools across the country who have this problem among their students, and lack the means to address and supply these students/families with extra support.

If you are reading this, I ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we dream to connect dots to provide solutions for those students and families who need the extra help with “student attire” in grades K-5. We are advocates for education!



The Beginning!

This is Love Beyond Walls first post! We are excited about the journey God has for us ahead. If you you are reading this, spread the word.

LBW Team