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Over the last 27 days, I have learned a lot about commitment, devotion, leadership, and discipline! Currently, I am 23 DAYS away from doing one of the most life daring things I have ever done in my life (walking 30 miles), and I still have more weight to lose (23lbs).

It has been hard, but I have stayed the course… It is my hope that I can achieve the goal of 30-35lbs as I continue to change my eating patterns, and excersie every single day. However, along the way I have learned five important lessons about leadership…Here goes:

1) Leadership takes effort — If you want to lead, it will require effort on your end. Leadership is never given, it is earned.

2) Leadership requires discomfort — If you are out in front, there will be times you will be uncomfortable so you may serve others. However, the discomfort will grow you as a leader, not damage you.

3) Leadership is always seen — Even in the gym, random people would ask my trainer and myself what we were doing, and when we told them (people would watch harder). Not because we are great, but because leadership will always become a model for others.

4) Leadership takes sacrifice — At various points and times, a leader must sacrifice his/her time, energy, and talents for the well-being of others.

5) Leadership is intentional — All leaders must have strategies, plans, and accountability systems in place to accomplish the goals they set. If not, it is easy to become distracted and lose focus.

Hope these help!


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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