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HomelessnessJourneyRaising Awareness

Just learned it may rain…

By December 17, 2013No Comments

Man… I think I will have to actually buy a tent to survive!

My wife shot me a text while I was out scouting places to stay. She checked the weather, and let me know it says it is supposed to rain when I am out there. Now, I have this on my mind! But, I am definitely going to continue going forward. I believe God wants me to do this to raise awareness of the people that are invisible to the rest of the world.


Video of when I received the text message is below:

[embedplusvideo height=”480″ width=”500″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=Azb9tBDwt80&width=500&height=480&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep4170″ /]
Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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