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MAP18March Against Poverty

Get Involved in MAP18

By January 15, 2018January 26th, 2018No Comments

Before the walk:

  1. Come to the rally at The Center For Civil & Human Rights on March 3rd (You can get your ticket HERE).
  2. Give financially towards resources for the march to Memphis (HERE).
  3. Donate shoes, gas cards, and other resources to aid Terence and Johnny in the travel across the country. Click (HERE) to contact us.
  4. Reach out to sponsor and partner for the walk. Contact us (HERE)

During the walk:

  1. Share the campaign with your network and use your platform to bring attention to poverty and reconciliation.
  2. Follow the campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  3. Record and post a video to social about why we need to address poverty and also have a nation healed of racial tension.
  4. Come join Terence and Johnny on the walk to Memphis (follow their tracker HERE – Contact us HERE)
  5. Give financially towards resources for the walk to Memphis (HERE).
  6. Follow the Doers Podcast on Apple Podcast or Stitcher (HERE).
  7. Read and discuss books about poverty and race with your community (HERE).
  8. Plan to meet Terence at the finish line in Memphis on April 4th (You’ll learn more as we blog).
  9. Donate shoes, gas cards, and other resources to aid Terence and Johnny in the travel across the country. Click (HERE) to contact us.

After the walk:

  1. Meet Terence at the finish line in Memphis on April 4th.
  2. Interview for our Documentary on Racial Justice & Reconciliation called ALL OF US FILM (reach out to us on our CONTACT PAGE)
  3. Stay updated on our Documentary on Racial Justice & Reconciliation, ALL OF US FILM.
  4. Give financially towards the completion of the documentary (HERE).
  5. Volunteer with our community in Atlanta (HERE).
Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

More posts by Terence Lester

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