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HomelessnessJourneyRaising Awareness


By December 17, 20134 Comments

Since Sunday,

I have gotten many inboxes, tweets, and comments about my bravery and sacrifice to go homeless. But, I must take this time to be brutally honest with you on this blog this AM.

Here goes…

Earlier this year I almost quit. Yeah, I said it–QUIT. Why? Because 2013 was one of my roughest years. Have you ever got to December and it looks totally different from your January? Ever had plans for a new year, and all of a sudden things change on you and life happens…

Well, that’s what kind of year I had. And, if you have a pulse you probably can relate.

I had a rough year not because I did something wrong, but because life just happened…

  1. My son got really sick out of the blue (never been ill)…
  2. I had a major dream to fail me (everything collapsed)…
  3. I experienced a lot of loss in relationships (seasons were up)…
  4. All my documents were stolen (including books files have written, important docs, and tons of other things that can’t be replaced)…
  5. And tons of other things, that you’d probably relate to if I shared…Nonetheless, it was a rough year.


It really felt like the bottom, I was discouraged, and didn’t think I’d be able to move forward (maybe you feel this way right now). But, I had many life changing conversations that changed my life, encouraged me, and God lifted my head.

Two conversations stand out the most! One was with a homeless man that I befriended (He stands under the bridge by the Grady turnpike). He said these words that encouraged me,

“As long as you have breath in your body, you can always rise again. Life is NOT over… Not even for me! I believe I will rise again…Why? Because I am grateful for what I have.” Here it was, a person with absolutely nothing was encouraging me (Godsend I believe)!

The second conversation was with my step-father…He told me, “Life will always happen… It has happened to me many times… but when you experience loss and lose things… just don’t lose yourself and your perspective… God can and will work it out.” 

These conversations and many more pushed me to get back up and launch #lovebeyondwalls

Therefore, if you wanted to know why I am taking on this homeless challenge, here are five reasons why:

  1. I am seeking to raise awareness for the epidemic of homelessness in Atlanta (a few of my friends are homeless and have encouraged me).
  2. I want to advocate for those who have absolutely nothing! Many times we go through trials, but they are not to the extent where we have absolutely nothing. Also, to raise awareness about having contentment.
  3. I want it to change my life! From birth until whatever age, society teaches you to get the best, be the best, own the finest, and none of it satisfies the soul. I am detoxing from the “American Dream…” Only God satisfies the soul.
  4. I want to fully launch this organization to raise awareness of more social ills, and mobilize people to do something about it. I want to inspire people to be doers…
  5. I believe God has called me to this. In my own despair, I found that God sometimes uses things that pain us to lead us to our purpose. Thus, this is why you are reading this post.


There you have it… I am not wealthy… not famous… but, what little I have I want to bless somebody else with it. I hope this blog lets you know that you can take what little you have, where you are, and make a difference for God.

Today, I am meditating on Psalm 46:1-3 NKJV to keep moving forward with this project,

God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. 



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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